Bang Patterns

Dan Doel dan.doel at
Tue Apr 1 19:02:20 UTC 2014


I've been thinking about bang patterns as part of implementing our own
Haskell-like compiler here, and have been testing out GHC's implementation
to see how it works. I've come to one case that seems like it doesn't work
how I think it should, or how it is described, and wanted to ask about it.

Specifically, consider:

    case Nothing of
      !(~(Just x)) -> 5
      Nothing -> 12

Now, the way I'd expect this to work, and how I think the spec says it
works, is that my Nothing is evaluated, and then the irrefutable ~(Just x)
matches Nothing, giving a result of 5. In fact, GHC warns about overlapping
patterns for this.

However, this actually evaluates to 12, meaning that !(~p) appears to
cancel out and be equivalent to p. It seems to me this might be a side
effect of the logic used to implement 'let !p = ...', but I'm not certain.

So, my question is whether this is intentional. If it is, then the bang
patterns description should probably mention it, since it's subtly
different than the rest of the specification. Also the warning should be
removed, because there is no overlapping in the above case statement. If it
is unintentional, we should probably decide either to make it intentional
(and perform the above changes), or to change the implementation. :)

-- Dan
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