
Carter Schonwald carter.schonwald at
Tue Apr 1 17:45:27 UTC 2014

hey all, I just exported the igloo builder code from darcs to git, and put
it here
would this be something worth adding to  ? (i can easily
add it if other folks it should be surfaced more visibly)

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 11:04 AM, Páli Gábor János <pali.gabor at>wrote:

> 2014-04-01 14:03 GMT+02:00 Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at>:
> > Indeed, there is no reason not to use Ian et al's Builder stuff.  It's
> one of the
> > options.  But it depends on a critical evaluation of what the advantages
> and
> > disadvantages of different approaches are
> I found Ian's buildbot an appealing alternative as it does a full
> build, including testing, and uploads the resulting binaries to a
> common place where anybody can access them (but it can be configured
> to do almost anything).  The builders may be configured individually
> from a single (Haskell-language) configuration file and they are run
> on various volunteer-supplied systems so it is also distributed.
> I use this to keep track of the status of the FreeBSD builds to make
> my work easier on building the releases and maintaining the associated
> ports in the FreeBSD Ports Collection, while offering regular
> developer snapshots for the users.  This approach also allows me to
> control and maintain the builder environment too as it may require
> minor or major changes and fixes over time that I can do myself as a
> FreeBSD developer.  In the past, there were cases where the build was
> failing due to bugs in the kernel or the userland, so this is not
> purely about GHC itself (unfortunately).
> In my humble opinon, there are merits for the Travis-based Continuous
> Integration, so as for the daily snapshot building on each supported
> platform.  I do not care if it is not Haskell-based or it is hosted at
> a central place with individual Virtual Machines for each platform --
> until I can keep doing what I have been doing for 4 years now.
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