Why do remaining HECs busy-wait during unsafe-FFI calls?

Andreas Voellmy andreas.voellmy at gmail.com
Mon May 6 15:10:10 CEST 2013

When an unsafe call is made, the OS thread currently running on the HEC
makes the call without releasing the HEC. If the main thread was on the run
queue of the HEC making the foreign unsafe call when the foreign call was
made, then no other HECs will pick up the main thread. Hence the two sleep
calls in your program happen sequentially instead of concurrently.

I'm not completely sure what is causing the busy wait, but here is one
guess: when a GC is triggered on one HEC, it signals to all the other HECs
to stop the mutator and run the collection.  This waiting may be a busy
wait, because the wait is typically brief.  If this is true, then since one
thread is off in a unsafe foreign call, there is one HEC that refuses to
start the GC and all the other HECs are busy-waiting for the signal.  The
GC could be triggered by a period of inactivity.  Again, this is just a
guess - you might try to verify this by turning off the periodic triggering
of GC and checking whether the start GC barrier is a busy-wait.

On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 7:29 AM, Herbert Valerio Riedel <hvr at gnu.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> Recently, I stumbled over E.Z.Yang's "Safety first: FFI and
> threading"[1] post and then while experimenting with unsafe-imported FFI
> functions I've noticed a somewhat surprising behaviour:
> Consider the following contrived program:
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> import Foreign.C
> import Control.Concurrent
> import Control.Monad
> import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
> foreign import ccall unsafe "unistd.h sleep" c_sleep_unsafe :: CUInt -> IO
> CUInt
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
>     putStrLnTime "main started"
>     _ <- forkIO (sleepLoop 10 >> putStrLnTime "sleepLoop finished")
>     yield
>     putStrLnTime "after forkIO"
>     threadDelay (11*1000*1000) -- 11 seconds
>     putStrLnTime "end of main"
>   where
>     putStrLnTime s = do
>         t <- getPOSIXTime
>         putStrLn $ init (show t) ++ "\t" ++ s
>     sleepLoop n = do
>         n' <- c_sleep_unsafe n
>         unless (n' == 0) $ do
>             putStrLnTime "c_sleep_unsafe got interrupted"
>             sleepLoop n'
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> When compiled with GHC-7.6.3/linux/amd64 with "-O2 -threaded" and
> executed with "+RTS -N4", the following output is emitted:
>  1367838802.137419      main started
>  1367838812.137727      after forkIO
>  1367838812.137783      sleepLoop finished
>  1367838823.148733      end of main
> which shows that the forkIO of the unsafe ccall effectively blocks the
> main thread;
> Moreover, when looking at the process table, I saw that 3 threads were
> occupying 100% CPU time each for 10 seconds until the 'after forkIO' was
> emitted.
> So what is happening here exactly, why do the 3 remaining HECs busy-wait
> during that FFI call instead of continuing the execution of the main
> thread?
> Do *all* foreign unsafe ccalls (even short ones) cause N-1 HECs to spend
> time in some kind of busy looping?
>  [1]: http://blog.ezyang.com/2010/07/safety-first-ffi-and-threading/
> Cheers,
>   hvr
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