Overloaded record fields

Edward Kmett ekmett at gmail.com
Thu Jun 27 10:38:27 CEST 2013

On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 2:14 AM, AntC <anthony_clayden at clear.net.nz> wrote:

> > Edward Kmett <ekmett <at> gmail.com> writes:
> >
> > Let me take a couple of minutes to summarize how the lens approach
> tackles the composition problem today without requiring confusing changes
> in the lexical structure of the language.
> Thank you Edward, I do find the lens approach absolutely formidable. And I
> have tried to read the (plentiful) documentation. But I haven't seen a
> really, really simple example that shows the correspondence with H98
> records and fields -- as simple as Adam's example in the wiki. (And this
> message from you doesn't achieve that either. Sorry, but tl;dr, and there
> isn't even a record decl in it.)

There was this one buried down near the bottom.

data Foo = Foo { _fooX, _fooY :: Int }

fooY f (Foo x y) = Foo x <$> f y

We could implement that lens more like:

fooY :: Lens' Foo Int
fooY f s = (\a -> r { _fooY = a }) <$> f (_fooY s)

if you really want to see more record sugar in there, but the code means
the same thing.

So let me show you exactly what you just asked for. The correspondence with
the getter and setter for the field:

The correspondence with the getter comes from choosing to use the
appropriate functor. With some thought it becomes obvious that it should be
Const. I won't explain why as that apparently triggers *tl;dr. *;)

s ^. l = getConst (l Const s)

Recall that fmap f (Const a) = Const a, so

s ^. fooY = getConst ((\a -> r { _fooY = a }) <$> Const (_fooY s)) =
getConst (Const (_fooY s)) = _fooY s

and we can recover the setter by choosing the Functor to be Identity.

modify l f s = runIdentity (l (Identity . f) s)

modify fooY f s = runIdentity (fooY (Identity . f) s) = runIdentity
((\a -> r { _fooY = a }) <$> (Identity . f) (_fooY s) )

if you remove the newtype noise thats the same as

modify fooY f s = s { _fooY = f (_fooY s) }

Similarly after expansion:

set fooY a s = s { _fooY = a }

I sought to give a feel for the derivation in the previous email rather
than specific examples, but to work through that and the laws takes a fair
bit of text. There isn't any getting around it.

With language support one could envision an option where record
declarations cause the generation of lenses using whatever scheme one was
going to use for the 'magic (.)' in the first place.

The only difference is you get something that can already be used as both
the getter and setter and which can be composed with other known
constructions as well, isomorphisms, getters, setters, traversals, prisms,
and indexed variants all fit this same mold and have a consistent
theoretical framework.

Does the lens approach meet SPJ's criteria of:
>  * It is the smallest increment I can come up with that
>    meaningfully addresses the #1 pain point (the inability to
>    re-use the same field name in different records).

The lens approach is *orthogonal* to the SORF/DORF design issue. It simply
provides a way to make the field accessors compose together in a more
coherent way, and helps alleviate the need to conconct confusing semantics
around (.), by showing that the existing ones are enough.

 * It is backward-compatible.

Lens already works today. So I'd dare say that the thing that works today
is compatible with what already works today, yes. ;)

[I note BTW that as the "Plan" currently stands, the '.field' postfix
> pseudo-operator doesn't rate too high on backward-compatible.]
> I do think that freeing up the name space by not auto-generating a record-
> type-bound field selector will help some of the naming work-rounds in the
> lens TH.

I'm going to risk going back into *tl;dr* territory in response to the
comment about lens TH:

Currently lens is pretty much non-commital about which strategy to use for
field naming / namespace management.

We do have three template-haskell combinators that provide lenses for
record types in lens, but they are more or less just 'what we can do in the
existing ecosystem'.

I am _not_ advocating any of these, merely describing what we already can
do today with no changes required to the language at all.

makeLenses - does the bare minimum to allow for type changing assignment
makeClassy - allows for easy 'nested record types'
makeFields - allows for highly ad hoc per field-name reuse


data Foo a = Foo { _fooBar :: Int, _fooBaz :: a }

and we can see what is generated by each.

*makeLenses ''Foo*

generates the minimum possible lens support

fooBar :: Lens' (Foo a) Int
fooBar f s = (\a -> s { _fooBar = a }) <$> f (_fooBar a)

fooBaz :: Lens (Foo a) (Foo b) a b
fooBaz f s = (\a -> s { _fooBaz = a }) <$> f (_fooBaz a)

*makeClassy ''Foo* generates

class HasFoo t a | t -> a where
   foo :: Lens' t (Foo a)
   fooBar :: Lens' t Int
   fooBaz :: Lens' t a
   -- with default definitions of fooBar and fooBaz in terms of the simpler
definitions above precomposed with foo

It then provides

instance HasFoo (Foo a) a where
  foo = id

This form is particularly nice when you want to be able to build up
composite states that have 'Foo' as part of a larger state.

data MyState = MyState { _myStateFoo :: Foo Double, _myStateX :: (Int,
Double) }
makeClassy ''MyState

instance HasFoo MyState Double where
  foo = myStateFoo

This lets us write some pretty sexy code using HasFoo constraints and

blah :: (MonadState s m, HasFoo s a) => m a
blah = do
  fooBar += 1
  use fooBaz

and that code can run in State Foo or State MyState or other transformer
towers that offer a state that subsumes them transparently.

This doesn't give the holy grail of having perfect field name reuse, but it
does give a weaker notion of reuse in that you can access fields in part of
a larger whole.

I said above that I don't wholly endorse any one of these options, but I do
view 'makeClassy' as having effectively removed all pressure for a better
record system from the language for me personally. It doesn't permit some
of the wilder ad hoc overloadings, but the constraints on it feel very


To provide full field name reuse, we currently use

*makeFields ''Foo*  which is perhaps a bit closer to one of the existing
record proposals.

It takes the membernames and uses rules to split it apart into data type
name and field part, and then makes instances of Has<FieldName> for each

There are issues with all 3 of these approaches. I personally prefer the
middle existing option, because I get complete control over naming even if
I have to be more explicit.

I wasn't purporting to solve this portion of the record debate, however.

I was claiming that lenses offered a superior option to giving back 'r { f
:: t } => r -> t


> ...
> You say:
> >
> >  template-haskell functions for lens try to tackle the SORF/DORF-like
> aspects. These are what Greg Weber was referring to in that earlier email.
> >
> errm I didn't see an email from Greg(?)

Sorry, I was dragged into this thread by Simon forwarding me an email --
apparently it was in another chain.

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