Exposing newtype coercions to Haskell

Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj at microsoft.com
Wed Jul 3 21:40:35 CEST 2013

|  Is this really the compiler’s job here? After all, the programmer would be able to
|  write
|          deriving cNT' :: NT (Foo a) (Foo b) -> NT (C a) (C b)
|          cNT :: NT a b -> NT (C a) (C b)
|          cNT = cNT' . fooNT
|  and expose just cNT to his users, so no expressiveness is lost by not providing
|  automatic support here.

True.  But it could get pretty inconvenient.

	data Foo a = F1 [a] (Tree [a]) (Maybe a) [Maybe a]

We could restrict you (only ) to saying

	deriving fooNT
		:: NT [a] [b]
 		-> NT (Tree [a]) (Tree [b]) 
		-> NT (Maybe a) (Maybe b)
		-> NT [Maybe a] [Maybe b]
		-> NT (Foo a) (Foo b)

but the excitement would wear off pretty fast :-).   It'd be nicer to write
	deriving fooNT :: NT a b -> NT (Foo a) (Foo b)
and  have the compiler use the other lexically-in-scope NT values to solve the problem.  This is, after all, precisely what the type-class inference machinery does.

There's something a bit strange about looking for all NT values that are lexically in scope; it all amounts to something pretty similar to named type-class instances.


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