Fastest way to reload module with GHC API

Simon Marlow marlowsd at
Fri Jan 25 16:33:14 CET 2013

On 25/01/13 14:30, JP Moresmau wrote:
> Hello, I just want to be sure of what's the fastest way to reload a
> module with the GHC API.
> I have a file whose path is fp
> I load the module with:
> addTarget Target { targetId = TargetFile fp Nothing, targetAllowObjCode
> = True, targetContents = Nothing }
> Then I load the module
> load LoadAllTargets
> And when I want to reload the module (the contents of fp have changed) I do:
> removeTarget (TargetFile fp Nothing)
> load LoadAllTargets
> and then I rerun my initial code (addTarget, load)

You should be able to just invoke 'load LoadAllTargets' and omit the 
intermediate remove/load step.  Or is there a reason you want to remove 
the target?


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