Newtype wrappers

Edward Kmett ekmett at
Tue Jan 15 00:18:49 CET 2013

Actually upon reflection, this does appear to help with implementing some
things in my code with a much reduced unsafeCoerce count, though it remains
orthogonal to the issue of how to lift these things through third-party
types that I raised above.


On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 5:40 PM, Edward Kmett <ekmett at> wrote:

> It sounds like the solution you are proposing then is to an issue largely
> orthogonal to the one I'm talking about.
> As far as I can tell, I derive no immediate benefit from this version.
> -Edward
> On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Simon Peyton-Jones <simonpj at
> > wrote:
>>  If you are worrying about #1496, don’t worry; we must fix that, and the
>> fix will apply to newtype wrappers.****
>> If you are worrying about something else, can you articulate what the
>> something else is?****
>> ** **
>> I don’t want to involve type classes, nor Functor.  We don’t even have a
>> good way to say “is a functor of its second type argument” for a type
>> constructor of three arguments.****
>> ** **
>> Simon****
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> *From:* Edward Kmett [mailto:ekmett at]
>> *Sent:* 14 January 2013 18:39
>> *To:* Simon Peyton-Jones
>> *Cc:* GHC users
>> *Subject:* Re: Newtype wrappers****
>> ** **
>> Many of us definitely care. =)****
>> ** **
>> The main concern that I would have is that the existing solutions to this
>> problem could be implemented while retaining SafeHaskell, and I don't see
>> how a library that uses this can ever recover its SafeHaskell guarantee.*
>> ***
>> ** **
>> Here is a straw man example of a solution that permits SafeHaskell in the
>> resulting code that may be useful in addition to or in lieu of your
>> proposed approach:****
>> ** **
>> We could extend Data.Functor with an fmap# operation that was only, say,
>> exposed via Data.Functor.Unsafe:****
>> ** **
>> {-# LANGUAGE Unsafe, MagicHash #-}****
>> module Data.Functor.Unsafe where****
>> class Functor f where****
>>   fmap# :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b****
>>   fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b****
>>   (<$) :: b -> f a -> f b****
>>   fmap# = \f -> \fa -> fa `seq` fmap f p****
>> ** **
>> Then we flag Data.Functor as Trustworthy and export just the safe subset:
>> ****
>> ** **
>> {-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}****
>> module Data.Functor (Functor(fmap,(<$))) where****
>> import Data.Functor.Unsafe****
>> ** **
>> then fmap# from Data.Functor.Unsafe is allowed to be fmap# _ =
>> unsafeCoerce for any Functor that doesn't perform GADT-like interrogation
>> of its argument (this could be assumed automatically in DeriveFunctor,
>> which can't handle those cases anyways!)****
>> ** **
>> Then any user who wants to enable a more efficient fmap for fmapping over
>> his data type with a newtype instantiates fmap# for his Functor. They'd
>> have to claim Trustworthy (or use the enhanced DeriveFunctor), to discharge
>> the obligation that they aren't introducing an unsafeCoerce that is visible
>> to the user. (After all the user has to import another Unsafe module to get
>> access to fmap# to invoke it.)****
>> ** **
>> Finally then code that is willing to trust other trustworthy code can
>> claim to be Trustworthy in turn, import Data.Functor.Unsafe and use fmap#
>> for newtypes and impossible arguments:****
>> ** **
>> {-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}****
>> module Data.Void where****
>> ** **
>> import Data.Functor.Unsafe****
>> ** **
>> newtype Void = Void Void deriving Functor****
>> ** **
>> absurd :: Void -> a****
>> absurd (Void a) = absurd a****
>> ** **
>> vacuous :: Functor f => f Void -> f a****
>> vacuous = fmap# absurd****
>> ** **
>> This becomes valuable when data types like Void are used to mark the
>> absence of variables in a syntax tree, which could be quite large.****
>> ** **
>> Currently we have to fmap absurd over the tree, paying an asymptotic cost
>> for not using (forall a. Expr a) or some newtype wrapped equivalent as our
>> empty-expression type.****
>> ** **
>> This would dramatically improve the performance of libraries like bound
>> which commonly use constructions like Expr Void.****
>> ** **
>> Its safety could be built upon by making another class for tracking
>> newtypes etc so we can know whats safe to pass to fmap#, and you might be
>> able to spot opportunities to rewrite an explicit fmap of something that is
>> a `cast` in the core to a call to fmap#.****
>> ** **
>> -Edward****
>> ** **
>> On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 1:09 PM, Simon Peyton-Jones <
>> simonpj at> wrote:****
>> Friends****
>>  ****
>> I’d like to propose a way to “promote” newtypes over their enclosing
>> type.  Here’s the writeup****
>> ****
>>  ****
>> Any comments?  Below is the problem statement, taken from the above page.
>> ****
>>  ****
>> I’d appreciate****
>> ·         A sense of whether you care. Does this matter?****
>> ·         Improvements to the design I propose****
>>  ****
>> Simon****
>>  ****
>>  ****
>>  ****
>> *The problem*****
>> Suppose we have ****
>> newtype Age = MkAge Int****
>> Then if n :: Int, we can convert n to an Age thus: MkAge n :: Age.
>> Moreover, this conversion is a type conversion only, and involves no
>> runtime instructions whatsoever. This cost model -- that newtypes are free
>> -- is important to Haskell programmers, and encourages them to use newtypes
>> freely to express type distinctions without introducing runtime overhead.
>> ****
>> Alas, the newtype cost model breaks down when we involve other data
>> structures. Suppose we have these declarations ****
>> data T a   = TLeaf a     | TNode (Tree a) (Tree a)****
>> data S m a = SLeaf (m a) | SNode (S m a) (S m a)****
>> and we have these variables in scope ****
>> x1 :: [Int]****
>> x2 :: Char -> Int****
>> x3 :: T Int****
>> x4 :: S IO Int****
>> Can we convert these into the corresponding forms where the Int is
>> replaced by Age? Alas, not easily, and certainly not without overhead. **
>> **
>>    - For x1 we can write map MkAge x1 :: [Age]. But this does not follow
>>    the newtype cost model: there will be runtime overhead from executing the
>>    map at runtime, and sharing will be lost too. Could GHC optimise the
>>    map somehow? This is hard; apart from anything else, how would GHC
>>    know that map was special? And it it gets worse. ****
>>    - For x2 we'd have to eta-expand: (\y -> MkAge (x2 y)) :: Char -> Age.
>>    But this isn't good either, because eta exapansion isn't semantically valid
>>    (if x2 was bottom, seq could distinguish the two). See #7542<>for a real life example.
>>    ****
>>    - For x3, we'd have to map over T, thus mapT MkAge x3. But what if
>>    mapT didn't exist? We'd have to make it. And not all data types have
>>    maps. S is a harder one: you could only map over S-values if m was a
>>    functor. There's a lot of discussion abou this on #2110<>.
>>    ****
>>  ****
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