any successfull ghc registerised builds on arm?

Karel Gardas karel.gardas at
Mon Jan 14 21:31:46 CET 2013

On 01/14/13 08:49 PM, Austin Seipp wrote:
>> Very true. It would be very nice if we could handle this issue
>> automatically after we figure out the proper way to handle it manually.
> I think Karel is right that we may be able to get 90% of the way there
> with a short hack in DriverPipeline, with some ./configure logic to
> fix it, but easier said than done, I'm sure (abusrdly long build times
> don't help I bet.)

What I'm talking about is aclocal.m4 GET_ARM_ISA function. There we need 
to check for ARMv6's VFP implementation and set ARM_ISA_EXT accordingly. 
I don't have Rasberry here so I'm not sure how to check for VFP versus 
VFPv2 in a best way, but probably we may omit this and just assume when 
we do have ARMv6 the VFP is v2? Once this is done, then just 
DriverPipeline.hs need to check for this and set appropriate vfpv2 
option for llc...


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