DoCon and GHC

Serge D. Mechveliani mechvel at
Thu Jan 3 13:29:05 CET 2013

On Wed, Jan 02, 2013 at 11:27:15PM +0000, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
> I made a second mistake. I meant (LinSolvRing (UPol k)).  Apologies.
> |  > I don't know why 7.4 accepts it, but I'm not inclined to investigate...
> |  > looks like a bug in 7.4.
> |  
> |  ghc-7.4.1 may use a special trick, but is correct.
> I don't understand your explanation.  What is wrong with this reasoning?
> 1.  The call to upEucRing in cubicExt gives rise the constraint
> (LinSolvRing (UPol k))
>      Corect?
> 2. There are two overlapping instances for (LinSolvRing (UPol k)), 
>     defined in UPol2_ and UPol3_
>     Correct?
> 3.  So GHC cannot solve the constraint using an instance declaration.
>     Correct?
> 4. The type signature provides
>      (Field k, FactorizationRing (UPol k))
>    but neither is enough to satisfy LinSolvRing (UPol k).
>    Correct?
> 5.  Therefore we  must add LinSolvRing (UPol k) to the signature.
> If you believe that the function should typecheck as-is, please explain 
> how to deduce (LinSolvRing (UPol k)) from 
> (Field k, FactorizationRing (UPol k)).

1. I try adding   `, LinSolvRing (UPol k)'   to the sig of  cubeExt.

Now,   ghc-   
builds  docon-2.12  but does not compile the demonstration of  T_cubeext.hs
(where cubicExt is)
-- with  {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, MonoLocalBinds #-}
prepended to the module.

Can you, please, reproduce  this in  ghc- ?
a) the problem is in porting to a fresh stable GHC version,
b) ghc-  is announced to become a fresh  ghc-7.6.2,  
   and it asks for testing,
c) if I use an older version, then, why, I could simply remain with 

2. Now suppose that a fresh GHC is fixed, and the point (1) works.

Adding   `, LinSolvRing (UPol k)'  is not an error.
But is an awkward algebraic statement.
For example, one can formulate
 "for all integer  p > 2  such that  p is prime  and  p is odd,  
  it holds  Foo(p)".

Adding  "and p is odd"  is not an error, but looks awkward, because it is 
derived from   (p > 2,  p  is prime)  according to previous theory.
This reduces redability of the text, because the reader starts to think
that he is missing something subtle.

Similarly,   LinSolvRing (UPol k)  is derived in  cubicExt  from 
cubicExt and from the proper DoCon.
The matter is that the algorithm (instance) for this  LinSolvRing (UPol k)  
is derived in multiple ways -- overlapping instances.

3. For this particular case, I agree to tell to GHC:
   "choose any derivation way you like". 
Because a) I know that the needed final result part does not depend on 
this choice (even though the algoritms differ),
b) the cost difference will not be great.

How can I tell this to GHC -- with respect to only this function signature,
or maybe, only to this module ? 

4. Probably, the rule of the substitutional instance specialization in 
   Haskell+Glasgow is not enough to follow algebra.
Why not give the user an additional way to choose the derivation?
For example, let there be the instances  I, II, III, IV,  and the instance
(Foo T)  is derived from   I, II, III, IV  in multiple ways.
The programmer writes the signature 
    f :: (...,  (Foo T, using {II, III}, notUsing {I, IV})) => ... 

which means to consider for (Foo T) only those derivations which use 
{II, III} and do not use {I, IV}.
I do not know, may be I am missing something.

5. Now, I specify how   LinSolvRing (UPol k)  is derived in the existing 
   Haskell+Glasgow language.

DoCon = Proper-DoCon + demo;    cubicExt  is a part of demo.
First,  Proper-DoCon is installed  -- this works.
And  cubicExt  is not compiled.

Proper-DoCon  includes:

  GCDRing a  and  EuclideanRing a  are superclasses for  Field a,   (I)
  class (GCDRing a, LinSolvRing a) => EuclideanRing a where ...     (II)

  instance GCDRing a       => GCDRing (UPol a) where ...            (III)
  instance Field k         => EuclideanRing (UPol k) where ...      (IV)
  instance EuclideanRing a => LinSolvRing (UPol a) where ...        (V)
                              (in Pol2_.hs)  

Each of these has a very useful algebraic meaning.
Now, GHC starts to compile  cubicExt.  And there

                Field k => LinSolvRing (UPol k)  

is derived from  I -- V  in at least two ways, and may be there are 
even more of them.
Algebraically, these overlaps are all right, they are in the nature,
these derivations give equivalent results.
But one may insist: "choose the way, because the algorithms are different, 
and the computation cost may differ".
For example, for        
                          Field k => LinSolvRing (UPol k),
I would choose this way:
  "Field k  is declared.
   Euclidean   is a superclass for  Field   by (I).
   hence there is the instance  Euclidean k.
   hence there is the instance  LinSolvRing (UPol k)  
                                            by  V  with  a := k.
And  Haskell+Glasgow  sees this derivation surely.
In the algebra textbooks it is expressed like this:
"k  is a Field, hence it is EuclideanRing,  hence, by V,  (UPol k) 
 is  LinSolvRing."
Other ways I consider as algorithmically parasitic. 
They appear by GHC composing  I -- V  in various combinations.
I am forced to write I -- V, because each of them is useful by itself 
in various situations; this is in the nature of algebra.
On the other hand, I have not enough language constructs to cut out
(for GHC) the combinations that are parasitic -- with respect to the 
computational cost choice.

Here is another derivation for   Field k => LinSolvRing (UPol k).   
Repeat the state:
  GCDRing a  and  EuclideanRing a  are superclasses for  Field a,   (I)
  class (GCDRing a, LinSolvRing a) => EuclideanRing a where ...     (II)
  instance GCDRing a       => GCDRing (UPol a)                      (III)
  instance Field k         => EuclideanRing (UPol k)                (IV)
  instance EuclideanRing a => LinSolvRing (UPol a)                  (V)
                              (in Pol2_.hs)  
The derivation is:
  Field k                  is given.
  EuclideanRing (UPol k)   is by  IV.
  LinSolvRing a   is a superclass for  EuclideanRing a    by II.
  Hence, with  a := UPol k,  there must presense the instance 
    LinSolvRing (UPol k),  such an instance must precede  IV  in order  
    IV to be compiled.
  And GHC finds the instance for  LinSolvRing (UPol k).  
  For example, it is by  V  with  a := k.

And it occurs that the first derivation is a part of the second one.
I do not know how many derivations exist, and whether GHC ignores the 
second one.
But at least I have answered to the question

> If you believe that the function should typecheck as-is, please explain 
> how to deduce (LinSolvRing (UPol k)) from 
> (Field k, FactorizationRing (UPol k)).

I have presented the two derivations, the first one looks natural.

> I don't understand your explanation.  What is wrong with this reasoning?

> 1.  The call to upEucRing in cubicExt gives rise the constraint 
>    (LinSolvRing (UPol k))
>     Corect?

It gives rise to    EuclideanRing (UPol k).
And   LinSolvRing a  is a superclass for  EuclideanRing a.

And the constraint of  EuclideanRing (UPol k)
follows from the call to upEucRing in cubicExt and from the declaration

                 upEucRing :: EuclideanRing a => ADomDom a
in Ring_0.hs.
Because  cubicExt  applies  upEucRing  with  a =  (Field k, ...) => UPol k

The condition of  EuclideanRing (UPol k)  is satisfied by the following
declarations in DoCon (not in the demonstration program):

  GCDRing a  and  EuclideanRing a  are superclasses for  Field a,   (I)
  class (GCDRing a, LinSolvRing a) => EuclideanRing a               (II)
  instance GCDRing a       => GCDRing (UPol a)                      (III)
  instance Field k         => EuclideanRing (UPol k)                (IV)
  instance EuclideanRing a => LinSolvRing (UPol a)                  (V)
                               (in Pol2_.hs)  

So,  Field k => EuclideanRing (UPol k)  
follows by   IV
and also by  V & III & I  (I find this way only now).

> 2. There are two overlapping instances for (LinSolvRing (UPol k)),
>    defined in UPol2_ and UPol3_
>    Correct?

a) DoCon has not  UPol2_.hs nor UPol3_.hs.  
   It has  Pol2_.hs and Pol3_.hs.
   (And for any occasion: as I wrote earlier, the data costructors  Pol  
    and  UPol  have different meaning and different instance sets
b) I have shown the two derivations for  Field k => LinSolvRing (UPol k)
   (the second one in strange, because it is included in the first).
   May be, there exists some more clear overlap.
   instance EuclideanRing a => LinSolvRing (UPol a)   of  Pol_2.hs
   is used in the first derivation.

c) Pol3_  has  
   instance (LinSolvRing (Pol a), CommutativeRing a) =>
                                              LinSolvRing (UPol (Pol a))
   But this does not overlap with I -- V,  
            in particular, not with   Field k => LinSolvRing (UPol k).

   Because  Pol a  is never of a  Field  nor of  EuclideanRing.
   And Hashell+Glasgow sees this.

> 3.  So GHC cannot solve the constraint using an instance declaration.
>    Correct?

GHC finds multiple solutions for this constraint.
Several instances overlap. Each of these derivations is algebraically 
I do not know of whether this overlap is resolved by the rules of the 
Haskell+Glasgow language.
Also  ghc-7.4.1  says it resolves them (at least, the demo program works 
and  ghc-  does not resolve.

> 4. The type signature provides
>     (Field k, FactorizationRing (UPol k))
>   but neither is enough to satisfy LinSolvRing (UPol k).
>   Correct?

No.  LinSolvRing (UPol k)  is derived by Haskell+Glasgow  from
                                                          Field k.
See above my explanation.
But it is derived in multiple ways.

> 5.  Therefore we  must add LinSolvRing (UPol k) to the signature.

This is not an error.
But  ghc-  does not compile this.
Also see the beginning of my part of this letter.

> If you believe that the function should typecheck as-is, please explain 
> how to deduce (LinSolvRing (UPol k)) from 
> (Field k, FactorizationRing (UPol k)).

I have shown this above. The GHC problem is that most probably, it is
deduced in multiple ways.

At least, it is now desirable the following:
to make   ghc-   to compile your variant with adding
LinSolvRing (UPol k)  to the signature.

Do you agree with this single point?



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