Is there a workaround for this bug?

Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj at
Tue Jan 1 20:48:40 CET 2013

I think the patch did get into 7.6.2 (which is about to be released) though.

I don't think there's a workaround, except by not using External Core, or not using Integer literals (use Ints?).  Sorry.


|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: glasgow-haskell-users-bounces at [mailto:glasgow-haskell-users-
|  bounces at] On Behalf Of Dominic Steinitz
|  Sent: 26 December 2012 18:14
|  To: glasgow-haskell-users at
|  Subject: Is there a workaround for this bug?
|  AFAICT this bug fix did not make
|  it into 7.6.1. Also I am happily working on the Haskell Platform with 7.4.1 and I'd
|  rather avoid upgrading if possible.
|  Is there a workaround? I've attached my code below along with the error message
|  (which is the same as in the above bug report). I'm rather hoping I won't have to
|  build HEAD.
|  Thanks, Dominic.
|  bash-3.2$ ghc -fext-core --make Test.hs
|  [1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Test.hs, Test.o )
|  ghc: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
|   (GHC version 7.4.1 for x86_64-apple-darwin):
|  	MkExternalCore died: make_lit
|  {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
|  {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
|  import Data.Array.Repa as Repa
|  import Data.Array.Repa.Eval
|  import Control.Monad
|  r, sigma, k, t, xMax, deltaX, deltaT :: Double
|  m, n :: Int
|  r = 0.05
|  sigma = 0.2
|  k = 50.0
|  t = 3.0
|  m = 80
|  xMax = 150
|  deltaX = xMax / (fromIntegral m)
|  n = 800
|  deltaT = t / (fromIntegral n)
|  data PointedArrayU a = PointedArrayU Int (Array U DIM1 a)
|   deriving Show
|  f :: PointedArrayU Double -> Double
|  f (PointedArrayU j _x) | j == 0 = 0.0
|  f (PointedArrayU j _x) | j == m = xMax - k
|  f (PointedArrayU j  x)          = a * x! (Z :. j-1) +
|                                   b * x! (Z :. j) +
|                                   c * x! (Z :. j+1)
|   where
|     a = deltaT * (sigma^2 * (fromIntegral j)^2 - r * (fromIntegral j)) / 2
|     b = 1 - deltaT * (r  + sigma^2 * (fromIntegral j)^2)
|     c = deltaT * (sigma^2 * (fromIntegral j)^2 + r * (fromIntegral j)) / 2
|  priceAtT :: PointedArrayU Double
|  priceAtT = PointedArrayU 0 (fromListUnboxed (Z :. m+1)
|                            [ max 0 (deltaX * (fromIntegral j) - k) | j <- [0..m] ])
|  coBindU :: (Source U a, Source U b, Target U b, Monad m) =>
|            PointedArrayU a -> (PointedArrayU a -> b) -> m (PointedArrayU  b)
|  coBindU (PointedArrayU i a) f = computeP newArr >>= return . PointedArrayU i
|   where
|       newArr = traverse a id g
|         where
|           g _get (Z :. j) = f $ PointedArrayU j a
|  testN :: Int -> IO (PointedArrayU Double)
|  testN n =  h priceAtT
|            where
|            h = foldr (>=>) return
|                (take n $ Prelude.zipWith flip (repeat coBindU) (repeat f))
|  main :: IO ()
|  main = do r <- testN n
|           putStrLn $ show r
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