GHC 7.8 release?

Gabriel Dos Reis gdr at
Mon Feb 11 18:51:46 CET 2013

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Simon Peyton-Jones
<simonpj at> wrote:
> |  > You may ask what use is a GHC release that doesn't cause a wave of updates?
> |  And hence that doesn't work with at least some libraries.  Well, it's a very useful
> |  forcing function to get new features actually out and tested.
> |
> |  But the way you test new features is to write programs that use them,
> |  and programs depend on libraries.
> That is of course ideal, but the ideal carries costs.  A half way house is a release whose library support will be patchy.  Not such good testing, but much lower costs.  But still (I think) a lot more testing than "compile HEAD" gives us.
> Simon


(sorry, I couldn't resist)

-- Gaby

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