GHC 7.8 release?

Geoffrey Mainland mainland at
Thu Feb 7 09:50:38 CET 2013

In practice the versions of GHC that are widely used are those that are
included in the platform. Maybe we should coordinate with their next
release? They are targeting a May 6 release, and the release process is
starting March 4, so it sounds like the original GHC release plan
(February release) would be a good fit for the platform as it would
allow library writers to catch up and ensure that STABLE was tested
enough for inclusion in the platform. It would be a shame to miss the
platform release.


On 02/07/2013 08:25 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
> Dear GHC users, 
> *                                                                                                                  
> *
> *Carter*: Will this RTS update make it into ghc 7.8 update thats coming
> up in the next monthish?
> *Andreas*: We are almost there - we are now trying to sort out a problem
> on mac os x. It would be helpful to know if there is a cutoff date for
> getting things into 7.8. 
> Simon, Ian, and I have just been discussing 7.8, and would be interested
> in what you guys think. 
> At ICFP we speculated that we’d make a release of GHC soon after
> Christmas to embody tons of stuff that has been included since 7.6,
> specifically:
> ·         major improvements in DPH (vectorisation avoidance, new
> vectoriser)
> ·         type holes
> ·         rebindable list syntax
> ·         major changes to the type inference engine
> ·         type level natural numbers
> ·         overlapping type families
> ·         the new code generator
> ·         support for vector (SSE/AVX) instructions
> Whenever it comes it would definitely be great to include Andreas &
> friends’ work:
> ·         Scheduler changes to the RTS to improve latency
> The original major reason for proposing a post-Xmas release was to get
> DPH in a working state out into the wild.  However, making a proper
> release imposes costs on everyone else.  Library authors have to scurry
> around to make their libraries work, etc.   Some of the new stuff hasn’t
> been in HEAD for that long, and hence has not been very thoroughly
> tested.   (But of course making a release unleashes a huge wave of
> testing that doesn’t happen otherwise.)
> So another alternative is to leave it all as HEAD, and wait another few
> months before making a release.  You can still use all the new stuff by
> compiling HEAD, or grabbing a snapshot distribution.  And it makes it
> hard for the Haskell platform if GHC moves too fast. Many people are
> still on 7.4.
> There seem to be pros and cons each way.  I don’t have a strong
> opinion.  If you have a view, let us know.
> Simon

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