Constructing TH types

Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj at
Tue Oct 16 02:10:23 CEST 2012

Eric, Nicolas

Sorry to be slow on this thread.  Here's a summary.  Would one of you feel able to take this summary, edit in a few examples, and add it to the (user-land) Haskell Wiki at  There are quite a few explanatory pages about GHC there, and this explanation will otherwise get buried in an un-findable email trail?   (I don't have internet right now, so I can't tell you exactly where to hook it in, but would be happy to suggest once back online.)  Thanks!


A TypeRep is defined like this (in Data.Typeable.Internals):
    data TypeRep = TypeRep Fingerprint TyCon [TypeRep]

That is, a TypeRep is always the application of a TyCon to zero or more TypeReps.  A TypeRep can't represent a polymorphic type or a type variable.  (Well, not right now anyway.)

The Fingerprint uniquely identifies the TypeRep, allowing fast comparison.

TypeRep is an abstract type, but you can decompose it with
     splitTyConApp :: TypeRep -> (TyCon, [TypeRep])
defined in Data.Typeable.

A TyCon is short for "type constructor".  You can get its defining package, defining module, and occurrence name with 
        tyConPackage,   -- :: TyCon   -> String
        tyConModule,    -- :: TyCon   -> String
        tyConName,      -- :: TyCon   -> String
all in Data.Typeable.  

Template Haskell Names
Template Haskell Names come in various kinds.  Look at the Name data type declaration in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax:

data Name = Name OccName NameFlavour 

data NameFlavour
  = NameS           -- ^ An unqualified name; dynamically bound
  | NameQ ModName   -- ^ A qualified name; dynamically bound
  | NameU Int#      -- ^ A unique local name
  | NameL Int#      -- ^ Local name bound outside of the TH AST
  | NameG NameSpace PkgName ModName

data NameSpace = VarName | DataName | TcClsName	

Again the Name type is abstract, but TH provides constructor functions.

  mkName :: String -> Name

(mkName "foo") and (mkName "") return a TH Name with a NameS or NameQ flavour respectively.  They are bound to whatever "foo" or "" happens to be in scope at the *occurrence* site.  This is like dynamic binding, to be *** avoided if at all possible ***, because it's subject to the stuff that's in scope at the point that this TH blob is finally spliced in.

Much better is
  newName :: String -> Q Name
which makes up a fresh name, generating a NameU.

Finally, we have
   mkNameG_v, mkNameG_tc, mkNameG_d :: String -> String -> String -> Name

These take three arguments (package, module, occurrence-name) and build a Name that means the thing *defined* in that package and module, with that occurrence name.  There are three variants, for ordinary variables, type constructors, and data constructors.    There's also a variant that takes a NameSpace argument:
  mkNameG :: NameSpace -> String -> String -> String -> Name

If you want to get from a TyCon (from Data.Typeable) to a Name (from TH), you can just extract the package, module, and occurrence name, and use mkNameG_tc to construct the TH Name.

|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: glasgow-haskell-users-bounces at [mailto:glasgow-haskell-users-
|  bounces at] On Behalf Of Eric M. Pashman
|  Sent: 07 October 2012 18:09
|  To: Nicolas Frisby
|  Cc: glasgow-haskell-users at
|  Subject: Re: Constructing TH types
|  Nicolas,
|  Intended usage seems to be something like
|  AppT ListT $ ConT . mkName $ "Int"
|  That works. So it seems that there is indeed no way to construct the syntactically
|  special list type from its (valid) name, but it can easily be done as above.
|  In my opinion, it should be possible to do what we've been trying -- ConT
|  (mkName "[]") `AppT` ConT "Char" -- or whatever. The problem seems simply to
|  be that
|  ConT . mkName $ "[]" \= ListT
|  I don't know the first thing about the GHC source, but I would imagine that's
|  easily fixable if the behavior we both expected is more broadly desired.
|  Regards,
|  Eric
|  On Oct 7, 2012, at 11:24 , Nicolas Frisby <nicolas.frisby at> wrote:
|  > The issue you had with applications of the [] type seems to be more
|  > insidious than my last email made it out to be. This expression
|  >
|  > (   $(return $ ConE (mkName "[]")) ::
|  >    $(return $ ConT (mkName "[]") `AppT` ConT ''Char)
|  > )
|  >
|  > fails with "[] is applied to too many arguments". I'm thinking that
|  > the "[]" in the type is being resolved somehow to the the [] data
|  > constructor, not the [] type constructor.
|  >
|  > This seems specific to []; the following works for tuples, even though
|  > the data and type constructor also share a string name.
|  >
|  > $(return $ ConE (mkName "(,)") `AppE` LitE (CharL 'c') `AppE` LitE
|  > (CharL 'a')) ::
|  > $(return $ ConT (mkName "(,)") `AppT` ConT ''Char      `AppT` ConT ''Char)
|  >
|  > I haven't yet narrowed down where the mkName'd string is
|  > (inappropriately?) resolved in the GHC source.
|  >
|  > Eric, special-casing for ArrowT probably avoids this problem for you.
|  > The only thing to glean from this email is that you ideally wouldn't
|  > need to worry about the special-casing for your current application -
|  > I think there's a TH bug at play, though I haven't found an open GHC
|  > ticket for it and it may very well still be a known issue.
|  >
|  > On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 10:15 AM, Eric M. Pashman
|  <eric.pashman at> wrote:
|  >> Nicolas, thanks for the welcome, and thanks for pointing out the additional
|  'Type' constructors!
|  >>
|  >> I'd looked over the available constructors, but apparently not very well. The
|  'ListT', 'TupleT', 'ArrowT', etc., constructors are precisely what I need to make this
|  work in a straightforward fashion.
|  >>
|  >> So I don't actually have a problem making the right 'Name' value, just a
|  problem reading the TH source. Well, that's that. ...
|  >>
|  >> Many thanks,
|  >>
|  >> Eric
|  >
|  > My pleasure.
|  >
|  > However,
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