Getting the file descriptor of a handle, without closing it
Volker Wysk
pf3 at
Sun Mar 11 00:16:46 CET 2012
A few months ago, I started a discussion about how to extract the file
descriptor of a handle, without the side effect of closing the handle. Bas van
Dijk kindly provided the following function:
unsafeWithHandleFd :: Handle -> (Fd -> IO a) -> IO a
(The action in the second argument is applied to the file descriptor of the
handle in the first argument.)
Now I'm trying to use it, but it appears to have a bug. This program shows it:
import IO
import GHC.IO.Handle.Types -- haType, haDevice
import GHC.IO.Handle.Internals -- withHandle', do_operation
import System.Posix.Types -- Fd
import System.IO.Error -- ioeSetErrorString
import Data.Typeable -- cast
import GHC.IO.Exception -- IllegalOperation
import GHC.IO.FD hiding (stdin, stdout, stderr) -- fdFD
import Foreign.C -- CInt
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar)
main = do
-- Works okay
unsafeWithHandleFd stdin $ \fd ->
putStrLn ("stdin: fd = " ++ show fd)
-- Blocks
unsafeWithHandleFd stdout $ \fd ->
putStrLn ("stdout: fd = " ++ show fd)
-- By Bas van Dijk
unsafeWithHandleFd :: Handle -> (Fd -> IO a) -> IO a
unsafeWithHandleFd h@(FileHandle _ m) f = unsafeWithHandleFd' h m f
unsafeWithHandleFd h@(DuplexHandle _ _ w) f = unsafeWithHandleFd' h w f
unsafeWithHandleFd' :: Handle -> MVar Handle__ -> (Fd -> IO a) -> IO a
unsafeWithHandleFd' h m f =
withHandle' "unsafeWithHandleFd" h m $ \h_ at Handle__{haDevice} ->
case cast haDevice of
Nothing -> ioError (System.IO.Error.ioeSetErrorString
(System.IO.Error.mkIOError IllegalOperation
"unsafeWithHandleFd" (Just h) Nothing)
"handle is not a file descriptor")
Just fd -> do
x <- f (Fd (GHC.IO.FD.fdFD fd))
return (h_, x)
The first call of unsafeWithHandleFd, works as expected. The second one blocks.
I need unsafeWithHandleFd, or something similar, in order to port my
HsShellScript library ( to the
current version of GHC.
If someone who understands the internals of the GHC IO libraries, had a hint,
or even a fix, I'd be very grateful.
Volker Wysk
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