How to declare polymorphic instances for higher-kinded types?
Herbert Valerio Riedel
hvr at
Mon Mar 5 10:14:19 CET 2012
Hello *,
For simple-kinded type variables, instances of the type
instance NFData a => NFData [a]
instance NFData a => NFData (Maybe a)
instance (NFData a, NFData b) => NFData (a, b)
are common and can be defined effortless; now I wanted do something
similiar for a type with a phantom type parameter:
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
data DataBase = DataBase -- specific type not relevant here
data Res
data Unres
-- provides operation to transform an unresolved `Foo_ Unres` to a resolved `Foo_ Res`
class Resolvable (e :: * -> *) where
resolve :: DataBase -> e Unres -> Either String (e Res)
-- trivial /resolvable/ type
data Foo_ r = Foo
instance Resolvable Foo_ where
resolve _ x = return Foo was no problem to define the polymorphic operations outside of
an instance:
-- Maybe (polymorphic 0 or 1 element container)
resolveMaybe :: Resolvable e => DataBase -> Maybe (e Unres) -> Either String (Maybe (e Res))
resolveMaybe db (Just x) = Just <$> resolve db x
resolveMaybe db Nothing = pure Nothing
-- Pairs
resolvePair :: (Resolvable e0, Resolvable e1)
=> DataBase -> (e0 Unres, e1 Unres) -> Either String (e0 Res, e1 Res)
resolvePair db (x,y) = (,) <$> resolve db x <*> resolve db y
...but when I tried to wrap those into polymorphic instances in the style
of the instances at the beginning of this mail, I wasn't able to
convince GHC:
The following attempts wouldn't work:
instance Resolvable e => Resolvable (Maybe e) where
resolve = resolveMaybe
-- GHC fails with:
-- Expecting one more argument to `e'
-- In the instance declaration for `Resolvable (Maybe e)'
Fair enough, but trying to workaround this by defining a type-synonym to
get an (*->*)-kinded expression didn't work either, as currying doesn't
seem to be supported at the type-level (is there a language-extension
for that?):
type Maybe_ e r = Maybe (e r)
instance Resolvable e => Resolvable (Maybe_ e) where
resolve = resolveMaybe
-- GHC fails with:
-- Type synonym `Maybe_' should have 2 arguments, but has been given 1
-- In the instance declaration for `Resolvable (Maybe_ e)'
So, am I really out of luck here, wanting to define polymorphic instances
in combination with phantom-types, or is there a trick I haven't thought
of yet?
PS: while experimenting, I accidentally triggered the following GHC
*** Exception: compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs:429:14-81:
Irrefutable pattern failed for pattern
Data.Maybe.Just (inst_tyvars, _, SrcLoc.L _ cls, _)
...alas I lost the Haskell-code causing this; is this a known issue?
Should I try harder to reproduce it again?
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