Call to arms: lambda-case is stuck and needs your help

Jonas Almström Duregård jonas.duregard at
Sat Jul 7 09:33:10 CEST 2012

Couldn't we use \\ for multi-case lambdas with layout?

If not, these are my preferences in order (all are single argument versions):
1: Omission: "case of". There seems to be some support for this but it
was not included in the summary.
2: Omission with clarification: "\case of"
3: "\of"  - but I think this is a little weird. It's nice to have
short keywords but not at the expense of intuition. The goal here is
to drop the variable name not the case keyword, right?


On 7 July 2012 06:08, Tyson Whitehead <twhitehead at> wrote:
> On July 6, 2012 11:49:23 Tyson Whitehead wrote:
>> Currently it depends on the depth of this new level of indentation relative
>> to all the groupings started on that line.  I think most people would
>> expect it to just apply to the last grouping though.  That is
>> where { f x = do {
>>   stmt1
>>   stmt2
>> } }
>> mask $ let { x = do {
>>   stmt1
>>   stmt2
>> } }
>> The rule in this case would be that if the grouping began on a newline that
>> is idented farther then the previous line, the grouping is assocated with
>> the grouping token and when it closes, it closes all those deeper than
>> itself.
> I've thought some more about this and it seems to me that there are two ways
> people might intuitively think about doing grouping via indentation.
> 1 - the first item is on the same line and subsequent ones are lined up with it
>   do stmt1
>      stmt2
> 2 - the first item is on a new line and subsequent ones are lined up with it.
>   do
>     stmt1
>     stmt2
> The current layout engine is targeted at (1).  It appears to do (2), but it is
> not really reliable as things start to go south if the first line happened to
> open more than one grouping (precisely the problem that make '\' a group token
> would introduce in codes).  For an example, consider
>   let greet name = do
>     putStr "hello "
>     putStrLn name
>   in f "world"
> It currently translates into
>   let { greet name = do {} } putStr "hello " putStrLn name in f "world"
> This results in an unituituve "Empty 'do' construct" error message.
> I propose we detected (2) and make it work too.  That is, if the line ends
> with a grouping construct and the next line is indented relative to that line,
> then assume we really don't want '{}' and instead always start grouping (even
> if it isn't indented further than other possible groupings also started).
> In other words, translate the above into
>   let { greet name = do {
>     putStr "hello";
>     putStrLn name
>   }} in f "world"
> This would then correctly handle the problamatic case raised in wiki where
>   mask $ \restore -> do
>     stmt1
>     stmt2
> is in translated into
>   mask $ \ { restore -> do {} } stmt1 stmt2
> under the current rules if '\' is made a grouping token.
> The very limited scope of this (i.e., it would only apply to lines that end
> with a grouping construct where the next line is indented further than that
> line) should also address Simon's concerns regarding things like
>    f x y = x + y
>      where  -- I just left this where here by accident
>    g x = ...
> and
>    instance Exception Foo where
>    instance Exception Bar
> Cheers!  -Tyson
> PS:  To be fully precise, the modified layout decoder in 9.3 would be
>   L (<n>:ts)     i (m:ms) = ; : (L ts n (m:ms))   if m = n
>                           = } : (L (<n>:ts) n ms) if n < m
>   L (<n>:ts)     i ms     = L ts n ms
>   L ({n}:<n>:ts) i ms     = { : (L ts n (n:ms))   if n > i (new rule)
>   L ({n}:ts)     i (m:ms) = { : (L ts i (n:m:ms)) if n > m  (Note 1)
>   L ({n}:ts)     i []     = { : (L ts i [n])      if n > 0  (Note 1)
>   L ({n}:ts)     i ms     = { : } : (L (<n>:ts) i ms)       (Note 2)
>   L (}:ts)       i (0:ms) = } : (L ts i ms)                 (Note 3)
>   L (}:ts)       i ms     = parse-error                     (Note 3)
>   L ({:ts)       i ms     = { : (L ts i (0:ms))             (Note 4)
>   L (t:ts)       i (m:ms) = } : (L (t:ts) i ms)   if m /= 0 and parse-error(t)
> (Note 5)
>   L (t:ts)       i ms     = t : (L ts i ms)
>   L []           i []     = []
>   L []           i (m:ms) = } : L [] i ms         if m /= 0 (Note 6)
> As before, the function 'L' maps a layout-sensitive augmented token stream to
> a non-layout-sensitive token stream, where the augmented token stream includes
> '<n>' and '{n}' to, respectively, give the indentation level of the first token
> on a new line and that following a grouping token not followed by '{'.
> This time though, we allow the '{n}' '<n>' sequence (before it was supressed
> to just '{n}').  We also add a new state variable 'i' to track the indentation
> of the  current line.  The new rule now opens a grouping over a newline so
> long as the indentation is greater than the current line.
> Upon a less indented line, it will then close all currently open groups with
> an indentation less than the new line.
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