Composition operator [was: Re: Records in Haskell]

Donn Cave donn at
Fri Jan 13 00:15:21 CET 2012

> Quoth Brandon Allbery <allbery.b at>,
> Seems obvious to me:  on the one hand, there should be a plain-ASCII
> version of any Unicode symbol; on the other, the ASCII version has
> shortcomings the Unicode one doesn't (namely the existing conflict between
> use as composition and use as module and now record qualifier).  So, the
> Unicode one requires support but avoids weird parse issues.

OK.  To me, the first hand is all you need - if there should be a
plain-ASCII version of any Unicode symbol anyway, then you can avoid
some trouble by just recognizing that you don't need Unicode symbols
(let alone with different parsing rules.)


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