GHC 7.0.4 recursion while trying to derive type
Christian Maeder
Christian.Maeder at
Mon Jan 9 13:16:10 CET 2012
Am 08.01.2012 04:39, schrieb Bogdan Opanchuk:
> Hello,
> Consider the following code:
> {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, OverlappingInstances,
> UndecidableInstances, FunctionalDependencies #-}
We have also such (cruel) code using these extension.
> t4.hs:17:31:
> Context reduction stack overflow; size = 21
> Use -fcontext-stack=N to increase stack size to N
Our code compiles with ghc-7-0.4 if we add -fcontext-stack=31 to the ghc
command line.
Does your code compile with an increased (try 100) context-stack?
> So, the question is, could anyone please tell me, is what I am trying
> to do actually correct, and what was changed from 7.0.4 to 7.2.2 to
> make it work?
I cannot answer this, but our code also compiles with ghc-7.2.2 using a
lower context-stack (of 26).
HTH Christian
> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards,
> Bogdan
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