Records in Haskell
Iavor Diatchki
iavor.diatchki at
Tue Jan 3 02:05:41 CET 2012
On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 4:38 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones
<simonpj at> wrote:
> · I don’t know exactly what you have in mean by “the ability to
> reflect the type-level string at the value level”.
This can be done using singleton types in exactly the same way that it
is done on the type-nats branch. It is useful if we want to allow
users to define interesting polymorphic functions for values of types
with type-level string literals (e.g., in the context of records, this
would allow a user to define a custom showing function that can
display the record labels). Here is what the type-nat singletons
approach might look like for string literals:
newtype StringS (s :: String) = StringS String -- Abstract type
for singletons (constructor not exported)
fromStringS :: StringS s -> String
fromStringS (StringS s) = s
class StringI s where
stringS :: StringS s -- "smart" constructor for StringS values.
Users cannot define instances for class "StingI", they are built into
GHC. When GHC sees a constraint of the from "StringI X", for a
concrete string "X", it discharges it by making a string evidence
value containing "X". So, for example, the following would happen on
the GHCi prompt:
> fromStringS (stringS :: StringS "Hello")
The common pattern for using types in this way is something like this:
data CustomType (s :: String) = ...
tyParamString :: StringI s => CustomType s -> StringS s
tyParamString _ = stringS
showCustomType :: StringI s => CustomType s -> String
showCustomType x = "the type param is " ++ fromStringS (tyParamString
x) ++ moreStuff x
I hope this helps,
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