testing 7.4.1-candidate

Serge D. Mechveliani mechvel at botik.ru
Mon Jan 2 17:44:23 CET 2012

Dear GHC team,

I have tested  ghc-  on  Debian Linux  by
1) making it from source, 
2) making it by itself,
3) making DoCon-2.12 and running its test.

It looks all right. 

In installing DoCon, there appears a new point of installing the package 
Random,  because  Random  has separated from GHC.
So, I write in the DoCon-2.12 announce: 
Used extra libraries (beyond Haskell-2010)
Set.Set, Map.Map                -- of GHC,
System.Random version
       -- a separate from GHC library (written in Haskell) residing on
       (first, install GHC, then use ghc to install Random).

Thanks to people who helped me with installing Random.
I have downloaded  System.Random-  from  
unzipped it to a separate from ghc place -- call it  $R, 
and installed it to a  $R/inst  by 

  ghc --make Setup
  ./Setup configure --prefix=$R/inst -p
  ./Setup build -v
  ./Setup haddock
  ./Setup install -v

After this,   ghc-pkg list   shows  random-  in the list, and now
DoCon finds it.


mechvel at botik.ru

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