Records in Haskell - namespacing for fields

AntC anthony_clayden at
Sat Feb 18 01:30:38 CET 2012

>> Simon Peyton-Jones <simonpj <at>> writes:
> > 
> No! no! no! For records _don't_ put records in nested/sub-modules, and 
_don't_ require them in separate modules (as currently). Here's how ...

I've put up my proposal for namespacein Records/fields in Haskell, as an extra 
page linked from the Wiki.

Apologies for the rough-as-guts editting.


> [There may be other reasons for nested/sub-modules, but records ain't it.]
> The reason was hinted at way back in Chris Done's attachment to the original 
> Records wiki "types in a 
> trivial project".
> Let's say I have a database application with a field (meaning type) 
> customer_id. Then it appears in records for name and address, pricing, order 
> entry, etc. This is not a name 'clash', it's 'intended sharing'. (It really 
> galls me to even put it that way for explanatory purposes. Really it's the 
> **same** customer_id.)

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