Kind error in GHC-7.4.1, works in GHC-7.2.2
Simon Peyton-Jones
simonpj at
Fri Feb 10 09:40:47 CET 2012
It should not have worked before. Consider
I# $ 3#
($) is a polymorphic function and takes two *pointer* arguments. If we actually called it with I# and 3# as arguments we might seg-fault when we call the GC when allocating the box.
Polymorphic type variables (in this case in the type of ($)) can only be instantiated with boxed types.
| -----Original Message-----
| From: glasgow-haskell-users-bounces at [mailto:glasgow-haskell-
| users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Roel van Dijk
| Sent: 09 February 2012 19:57
| To: glasgow-haskell-users at
| Subject: Kind error in GHC-7.4.1, works in GHC-7.2.2
| Hello,
| I have some code that compiled fine in GHC-7.2.2 but fails in
| GHC-7.4.1 with a kind error.
| {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, NoImplicitPrelude, PackageImports #-}
| import "base" Data.Function ( ($) )
| import "base" GHC.Exts ( Int(I#) )
| import "base" Prelude ( Integral, fromIntegral, toInteger )
| import "integer-gmp" GHC.Integer.Logarithms ( integerLogBase# )
| intLog :: (Integral a) => a -> a
| intLog x = fromIntegral $ I# $ integerLogBase# 10 (toInteger x)
| This results in the following error:
| Couldn't match kind `#' against `*'
| In the second argument of `($)', namely
| `I# $ integerLogBase# 10 (toInteger x)'
| In the expression:
| fromIntegral $ I# $ integerLogBase# 10 (toInteger x)
| In an equation for `intLog':
| intLog x = fromIntegral $ I# $ integerLogBase# 10 (toInteger x)
| Simply eliminating some $'s using parenthesis solves the problem:
| intLog x = fromIntegral $ I# (integerLogBase# 10 (toInteger x))
| Why do I get the above kind error? Could it be a bug in GHC?
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