How to start with GHC development?

Jan Stolarek jan.stolarek at
Thu Dec 13 13:56:13 CET 2012

> Sorry! That wasn't what I intended. 
I know, but still... :)

> I meant more that I have a reasonably,  good idea of  *how* to work on ghc 
That's what I'm trying to figure out right now. GHC build system looks very complicated and it 
seems I'll be spending weeks on understanding it before I can get to the compiler code itself.

> The work in my thesis turned out not to be that useful, and I'm not sure what to do next.
Speaking of your thesis - have you worked out internals of GHC by yourself or did you have someone 
with knowledge of GHC supervise your work?

> It sounds like you've already got some ideas there though.
Not really. I know what is interesting for me, but I don't know what exactly I could do.

> Perhaps I shouldn't have hijacked your question with a 'me too' 
You didn't hijack it :)

>  As for getting an overview of the pipeline, I found the videos of the
> talks the Simons gave at the 2006 Hackathon helpful. 
Thanks, I didn't know about these! I wonder if slides are available? The quality of video and 
sound is actually rather low.


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