Question about type lits and optimization in ghc
Iavor Diatchki
iavor.diatchki at
Thu Aug 30 22:48:00 CEST 2012
On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 2:03 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones
<simonpj at>wrote:
> I’m hazy about ****
> **· **the definitions of sing and fromSing
The family of singleton types, Sing, is quite general. However,
when its parameter is of kind `Nat`, then it is simply a newtype for
data family Sing (s :: a)
newtype instance Sing (s :: Nat) = SingN Integer
To access the `Integer` of a `Sing n` value we use the class `SingE`.
Again, this is just so that we can support arbitrary singletons, but
when the argument is of kind `Nat` we simply access the newtype's `Integer`:
instance SingE (n :: Nat) Integer where
fromSing (SingN x) = x
Finally, `Sing n` values are introduced with the following class:
class SingI n where
sing :: Sing n
The instances of this class when `n` is of kind `Nat` are built into GHC:
when GHC needs to solve constraint like `SingI 5`, the solver provides a
special piece of evidence, which is essentually 5
(actually, it is `EvLit (EvNum 5)`). When the evidence is desugered into
this is replaced with just the integer 5. (Aside: this is not strictly
speaking correct---it should be replace with 5 coerced into `Sing 5`, which
should then be coerced into the dictionary for `SingI 5`. These all have
the same representation so things work for the time being, but this is
on my TODO list to correct).
· **the transformations that are supposed to simplify (fromSing
> (sing :: Sing c)) to c
So, now consider an expression like `fromSing (sing :: Sing 5)`.
With explicit dictionaries it becomes: `fromSing d1 (sing d2)`.
As we just discussed, `d2` is essentially 5, while `d1` will be the
function in the `fromSing` instance above, which is really just a coercion
because it accesses the field of a newtype. But note that so are
`sing` and `fromSing` because they are methods of classes with just
a single method! So this whole expressions really is a whole lot of
coercions around 5, which is why I'd expect this kind of pattern
to always be simplified.
> ****
> **· **the details of the two examples you describe and what isn’t
> happening that you expect to happen****
> **
Now for the example where I was expecting an optimization to happen
but it did not. Consider the following program, with the two different
definitions for `x`:
main :: IO ()
main = print (fromInteger x :: Int)
x = 5 :: Integer
-- x = fromSing (sing :: Sing 5)
With the first definition, where `x` is simply 5, the interesting
part of the Core looks like this:
main2 :: String
main2 = $wshowSignedInt 0 5 ([] @ Char)
What's nice about this is that GHC has noticed that it does not need to
make the intermediate `Integer` value, and replaced it with and `Int`.
If we use the second definition for `x`, then we get a slightly less
main3 :: Type.Integer
main3 = __integer 5
main2 :: String
main2 = case integerToInt main3 of
wild_ap2 { __DEFAULT -> $wshowSignedInt 0 wild_ap2 ([] @
Char) }
Note that, for some reason, the call to `integerToInt` is not eliminated.
I am not quite sure why that is.
> **
> Can you give more specifics?
> S****
> ** **
> *From:* Iavor Diatchki [mailto:iavor.diatchki at]
> *Sent:* 23 August 2012 07:21
> *To:* Carter Schonwald
> *Cc:* Simon Peyton-Jones
> *Subject:* Re: question about type lits and optimization in ghc****
> ** **
> Hello,****
> ** **
> On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 10:15 PM, Carter Schonwald <
> carter.schonwald at> wrote:****
> I'm asking about whether or no the compile time machinery of ghc will be
> statically replacing "fromSing (sing :: Sing c)" with "c" when "c" is a
> specific number at compile time. ****
> ** **
> Yes, the intention is that this should be simplified into the
> corresponding the value `c` of type `Integer`. I just run a small test.
> This program:****
> ** **
> main :: IO ()****
> main = print (fromSing (sing :: Sing 5))****
> ** **
> results in core which looks like this:****
> ** **
> main3 :: Integer****
> main3 = __integer 5****
> ** **
> main2 :: [Char]****
> main2 = $w$cshowsPrec 0 main3 []****
> ** **
> main1 :: State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, () #)****
> main1 = \ eta_B1 -> hPutStr2 stdout main2 True eta_B1****
> ** **
> main4 :: State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, () #)****
> main4 = \ eta_Xa -> runMainIO1 main1 eta_Xa****
> ** **
> This is pretty much the same code that one gets for `print 5`. I also
> tried a variation:****
> ** **
> print (fromInteger (fromSing (sing :: Sing 5)) :: Int)****
> ** **
> While this also gets simplified to the integer 5, it does not work quite
> as well as `print (fromIntegr 5 :: Int)`, which goes directly to an `Int`
> without going through an `Integer` first. I suspect that the reason for
> this is that there is some RULE which is not firing, but I'll have to look
> into what's going on in a bit more detail. Perhaps Simon has an idea?****
> ** **
> -Iavor****
> ** **
> ** **
> On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 1:11 AM, Iavor Diatchki <
> iavor.diatchki at> wrote:****
> Hello,****
> ** **
> There are no custom optimizations specifically for type-literals but GHC's
> usual optimizations should work well in examples like yours because using a
> singleton value is essentially the same as writing the corresponding value
> level literal.****
> So, for example, the indexing function might look something like this:****
> ** **
> index :: forall r c a. SingI c => Matrix r c a -> Integer -> Integer
> -> a****
> index (Matrix arr) row col = arr ! (row * fromSing (sing :: Sing c) +
> col)****
> ** **
> Here, the `SingI` constraint says that we are going to be using the
> singleton value associated with type `c`. The function `fromSing` converts
> this singleton value into an ordinary `Integer`.****
> ** **
> Now, if we use `index` in a context where the dimensions of the matrix are
> known, then GHC will resolve the constraint and pass the corresponding
> value to `index`. For example, assuming that `index` gets inlined,****
> the expression:****
> ** **
> index (Matrix m :: Matrix 3 4 Int) 1 2****
> ** **
> should end up looking something like this:****
> ** **
> m ! (1 * 4 + 2)****
> ****
> which should be simplified further to:****
> ** **
> m ! 6 ****
> ** **
> Does that answer your question? Please ask away if something does not
> make sense, or if you notice that things do not work as expected.****
> ** **
> Cheers,****
> -Iavor****
> ** **
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 11:14 AM, Carter Schonwald <
> carter.schonwald at> wrote:****
> Hey GHC folks!****
> ****
> In the case where type lits (naturals specifically) are statically known
> (rather than abstract), is it possible to have a sort of static copy
> propagation / Singelton simplification happen at compile time? (Ie can GHC
> do such things with type lits as presently implemented?)****
> ** **
> a simple example might be that a statically sized matrix, and being able
> to specialize the stride and bounds checking at compile time (pseudo code
> example follows)****
> ** **
> data Mat (row::Nat) (col::Nat) elem = ... some vector representation****
> ** **
> ** **
> index:: (Mat r c el) -> (Word,Word) -> el****
> index mt ix = ... some stride based indexing calculation that gets at the
> "r" and "c" numbers via the singletons to translate the ix tuple into the
> index into the underlying vector****
> representation****
> {-# perhaps an inline pragma? #-}****
> ** **
> indexSpec3x3:: (Mat 3 3 el) -> (Word, Word) -> el****
> indexSpec3x3 smat ix = smat `index` ix****
> ** **
> under what circumstances can i get something like the body of indexSpec3x3
> to use the static type level natural number machinery to partially
> specialize the computation?****
> Does my question even make sense as phrased?****
> ** **
> thanks!****
> ** **
> -Carter****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
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