GADTs in the wild
Scott Michel at
Thu Aug 23 20:50:58 CEST 2012
Probably useful to include a "mkFixed" function example as well, to show
how a Fixed can be constructed using the "optimal" data representation:
-- | Make a fixed field.
-- Note that this type constructor function chooses the minimal type
-- representation for the fixed value stored. Unsigned representations
-- are preferred over signed.
mkFixed :: String -> Int -> Integer -> Member
mkFixed name len val
| len <= 0 = error $ "mkFixed " ++ name ++ ": length < 0"
| len < 8 && validUnsigned len val = Fixed name len False (fromIntegral
val :: Word8)
| len < 8 && validSigned len val = Fixed name len True (fromIntegral
val :: Int8)
| len < 16 && validUnsigned len val = Fixed name len False (fromIntegral
val :: Word16)
| len < 16 && validSigned len val = Fixed name len True (fromIntegral
val :: Int16)
| len < 32 && validUnsigned len val = Fixed name len False (fromIntegral
val :: Word32)
| len < 32 && validSigned len val = Fixed name len True (fromIntegral
val :: Int32)
| len < 64 && validUnsigned len val = Fixed name len False (fromIntegral
val :: Word64)
| len < 64 && validSigned len val = Fixed name len True (fromIntegral
val :: Int64)
| otherwise = error $ "mkFixed " ++ name ++ ": cannot represent this bit
On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Scott Michel < at>wrote:
> Here's an example (not a complete module) I was using to represent
> bit-oriented structures as they occur in certain space applications,
> notably GPS frames. "Fixed" allows for fixed-sized fields and lets the end
> user choose the integral type that's best for the structure.
> At least it's not a parser or language example. :-)
> -scooter
> -- | Member fields, etc., that comprise a 'BitStruct'
> data Member where
> Field :: String -- Field name
> -> Int -- Field length
> -> Bool -- Signed (True) or unsigned
> (False)
> -> Member
> ZeroPad :: String -- Field name
> -> Int -- Field length
> -> Member
> OnesPad :: String -- Field name
> -> Int -- Field length
> -> Member
> ArbPad :: String -- Field name
> -> Int -- Field length
> -> Member
> Reserved :: String -- Field name
> -> Int -- Field length
> -> Member
> Fixed :: (Integral x, Show x) =>
> String -- Field name
> -> Int -- Field length
> -> Bool -- Signed (True) or unsigned
> (False)
> -> x -- Type of the fixed field's value
> -> Member
> Variant :: (Integral x, Show x) =>
> String -- Variant prefix name
> -> Maybe BitStruct -- Header before the tag
> -> TagElement -- The tag element itself
> -> Maybe BitStruct -- Common elements after the tag
> -> Seq (x, BitStruct) -- Variant element tuples (value,
> structure)
> -> Member
> -- Mult-value variant: Use this when multiple variant tag values have the
> -- same structure:
> MultiValueVariant :: (Integral x, Show x) =>
> String -- Variant prefix name
> -> Maybe BitStruct -- Header before the tag
> -> TagElement -- The tag element itself
> -> Maybe BitStruct -- Common elements after
> the tag
> -> Seq ([x], BitStruct) -- Variant element tuples
> ([values], structure)
> -> Member
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