GADTs in the wild
Bertram Felgenhauer
bertram.felgenhauer at
Sat Aug 18 20:57:27 CEST 2012
Christopher Done wrote:
> The context
> ===========
> In a fat-client web app (like GMail) you have the need to send requests
> back to the server to notify the server or get information back, this is
> normally transported in JSON format. For a Haskell setup, it would be:
> JavaScript (Client) → JSON → Haskell (Server)
> I made Fay, a Haskell subset that compiles to JavaScript to displace
> JavaScript in this diagram and now it's:
> Haskell (Client) → JSON → Haskell (Server)
> I declare my GADT of commands, forcing the input type and the return
> type in the parameters. The Foreign instance is just for Fay to allow
> things to be passed to foreign functions.
> -- | The command list.
> data Command where
> GetFoo :: Double -> Returns Foo -> Command
> PutFoo :: String -> Returns Double -> Command
> deriving Read
> instance Foreign Command
The natural encoding as a GADT would be as follows:
data Command result where
GetFoo :: Double -> Command Foo
PutFoo :: String -> Command Double
For the client/server communication channel, the GADT poses a challenge:
serialisation and deserialisation. The easiest way to overcome that
problem is to use an existential.
data SerializableCommand = forall a. Cmd (Command a)
Ideally, dispatch becomes
dispatch :: Command a -> Snap a
dispatch cmd =
case cmd of
GetFoo i -> return (Foo i "Sup?" True)
But you also have to transfer the result, and there is nothing you can
do with the result returned by 'dispatch'. This can be solved by adding
a suitable constraint to the Command type, say,
data SerializableCommand = forall a. Foreign a => Cmd (Command a)
The client code would use
call :: Foreign a => Command a -> (a -> Fay ()) -> Fay ()
call cmd g = ajaxCommand (Cmd cmd) g
and the server would basically run a loop
server :: (Command a -> Snap a) -> Snap ()
server dispatch = loop where
dispatch' (Cmd command) = do
result <- dispatch command
writeLBS $ encode . showToFay $ result
loop = do
cmd <- nextCommand
dispatch' cmd
(All code is pseudo code, I have not even compiled it.)
Maybe this helps.
Best regards,
P.S. The same idea of encoding commands in a GADT forms the basis of
'operational' and 'MonadPrompt' packages on Haskell, which allow to
define abstract monads (by declaring a 'Command' (aka 'Prompt') GADT
specifying the monad's builtin operations) and run them with as many
interpreters as one likes. The earliest work I'm aware of is
Chuan-kai Lin's "Programming monads operationally with Unimo" paper
at ICFP'06.
This usage of a 'Command' GADT can be viewed as a very shallow
application of the expression evaluator pattern, but it has quite a
different flavor in practice.
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