Potential GSoC proposal: Reduce the speed gap between 'ghc -c' and 'ghc --make'

Ryan Newton rrnewton at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 12:27:25 CEST 2012

> The idea that I currently like the most is to make it possible to save
>> and load objects in the "GHC heap format". That way, deserialisation
>> could be done with a simple fread() and a fast pointer fixup pass,
>> which would hopefully make running many 'ghc -c' processes as fast as
>> a single 'ghc --make'. This trick is commonly employed in the games
>> industry to speed-up load times [1]. Given that Haskell is a
>> garbage-collected language, the implementation will be trickier than
>> in C++ and will have to be done on the RTS level.
>> Is this a good idea? How hard it would be to implement this optimisation?
> I believe OCaml does something like this.

Interesting.  What does OCaml do in this department?  A bit of googling
didn't turn up a link.

For many years Chez scheme had a "saved heaps" capability.  It was recently
dropped because of the preponderance of SE Linux which randomizes addresses
and messes it up, but here's the doc for V7:


I've always wondered why there weren't more language implementations with
saved heaps.  Under Chez the startup times were amazing (a 50KLOC compiler
a two second load would become 4 milleseconds).  Google Dart apparently has
or will have saved heaps.  It seems like an obvious choice (caching
initialized heaps) for enormous websites with slow load times like GMail.

Chez also has pretty fast serialization to a binary "FASL" (fast loading)
format, but I'm not sure if those were mmap'ed into the heap on load or
required some parsing.  The gamasutra link that Mikhail provided seems to
describe a process where the programmer knows exactly what the expected
heap representation is for a particular object is, and manually creates it.
 Sounds like walking on thin ice.

Do we know of any memory safe GC'd language implementations that can dump a
single object (rather than the whole heap)?  Would invoke the GC in a
special way to trace the structure and copy it into a new region (to make
it contiguous)?

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