Finding/fixing stack overflow.
Michal Terepeta
michal.terepeta at
Sat Apr 21 21:43:29 CEST 2012
On 21.04 11:21, David Brown wrote:
> I've isolated the below small piece of code that is giving me a stack
> overflow. I'm kind of at a loss as has to fix, or even find what is
> happening here. (The real program is reading the data from a file,
> and doing something more complex with it). I'm not even sure how to
> work around this issue.
> It fails for me when given an argument of 1000000.
> Any ideas? I'm running 7.0.4, but I've tried this with ghc 6.12.3,
> and 7.4.1.
> Thanks,
> David
Hi David,
I'm no expert, but I think the problem here is that replicateM is not
tail recursive. So changing the code to something like:
> getValues :: Int -> Get [Int]
> getValues count = reverse <$> foldM f [] list
> where
> f acc = liftM (: acc)
> list = replicate count (fromIntegral <$> getWord32le)
should fix the stack overflow.
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