Records in Haskell

Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj at
Thu Sep 15 16:51:35 CEST 2011

J Garrett Morris asked me

| I also rather like the TDNR proposal, as it's rather similar to the
| approach we're taking in Habit (our pet language at Portland State).
| However, I'm curious as to why you don't want to quantify over name
| resolution constraints.  For example, why shouldn't:
| x f = f.x
| be a reasonable function? 

Yes, it would, and of course any impl of TDNR would need an internal constraint similar to your Select.  In my original proposal I was hiding that, but it has to be there in the implementation.  But you are right that making it explicit might be a good thing.  Esp with Julien's new kind stuff (coming soon) we should be able to say

class Select (rec :: *) (fld :: String) where
  type ResTy rec fld:: *
  get :: rec -> ResTy rec fld

data T = MkT { x,y :: Int }
instance Select T "x" where
  get (MkT {x = v}) = v

And now we desugar   
    get @T @"x" f

where the "@" stuff is type application, because get's type is ambiguous:
	get :: forall rec fld. Select rec fld => rec -> ResTy rec fld

Just like what Hobbit does really.
You probably don't use the idea of extending to arbitrary other functions do you?  (Which Ian does not like anyway.)  Something like

    getIndex :: T -> Int
    getIndex (MkT x y) = x+y

Then I'd like to be able to say


So there's an implicit instance
	instance Select T "getIndex" where
         type ResTy T "getIndex" = Int
         get = getIndex

It's a little unclear what operations should be in class Select.  'get' certainly, but I propose *not* set, because it doesn't make sense for getIndex and friends.  So that would mean you could write a polymorphic update:

	f v = f { x = v }

Restricting to record fields only would, I suppose, allow polymorphic update, by adding a 'set' method to Select.


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