No subject

Sun Oct 23 10:51:38 CEST 2011

all that is lower on the picture. Therefore, the conditional  
`instance (Show a, CRing a) =>' and 'where'
is written only once.
In the existing language, I need to write this conditional 6 times.

Union instance decl proposal

It is a generalization for  inhereted decl.

instances (cond_1, ..., cond_n)     -- of the type parameters a_1 ... a_m 
          <typeTuple> (<params>)  has  {<conclInstList>}
          <implement operations for each member of <conclInstList>.
It differs from the old instance declaration in that 
1) it unions several old declarations having the same conditional part,
2) each member of <conclInstList> can be conditional,
3) in <conclInstList> it can be skipped any instance which is inherited 
   by some other member in this list.
<params> is a subset of {a_1 ... a_m},
<typeTuple> (<params>)  
            is a tuple of type expressions, as in old declaration,
            for example,  `(a, b)', `Vector a', `[(a,b), Vector a]'.
            It is the argument for the conclusion instance declarations.

<conclInstList> is a list of inst-members separated by comma.
Each member of  <conclInstList>  is either an  
                            old  conclusion instance declaration
                            or a conditional declaration.

In the situtation of  Picture 1,  I need to declare

  instance (Show a, CRing a) => 
           (Pol a) has { CRing,  if (has a Field) then ERing }
    <define operations for  Set (Pol a)>
    <define operations for  AddSemigroup (Pol a)>
    <define operations for  CRing (Polynomial a)>

    <define operations for  ERing (Pol a)>  -- this part has the 
                                      -- additional condition  (Field a)

Its meaning is that the complier extends this into several `old' 
instance declarations:
  instance (Show a, CRing a) => Set (Pol a) where 
                                    <define operations for  Set (Pol a)>
  instance (Show a, CRing a) => CRing (Pol a) where 
                                    <define operations for  Set (Pol a)>

  instance (Show a, Field a) => ERing (Pol a) where 
                                  <define operations for  ERing (Pol a)>

(in the last decl `Field a' has been moved to LHS).

In this example  <typeTuple> === (Pol a).
For bi-parametric instances, the concusion part may be, for example
      [a, Pol a] has {Foo1, Foo2} ...

This means the two instance assertions  Foo1 a (Pol a),  Foo a (Pol a),
and `[a, Pol a]' is the agrument tuple for the instance conclusions.  

This is a draft proposal. If the idea is accepted, some generalizations 
and corrections are expected.


Serge Mechveliani
mechvel at

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