Stable names and type constraints

Lee Pike leepike at
Wed Nov 23 05:56:45 CET 2011

Hi Everybody,

This is a question about System.Mem.StableName
me know if this isn't the right forum, but my understanding is that
stable names are GHC-specific.

Consider the module below.  For a function with type constraints,
stable names fails to "realize" that we are pointing to the same
object.  As a couple of my colleagues pointed out to me, the cause is
the dictionary being passed around causing new closures to be created.

This can be rectified using a local variable binding (e.g., using a
where clause), but it'd be nice if there were a solution to allow for
observable sharing, even for functions with type constraints.

Are there known solutions other than monomorphism or local variable bindings?



module Test where

import System.Mem.StableName (StableName, makeStableName)


type Map a = [StableName (Expr a)]

analyze :: Expr a -> IO (Map a)
analyze = analyzeExpr []

analyzeExpr :: (Map a) -> Expr a -> IO (Map a)
analyzeExpr env e@(Op e0) = do
  sn <- makeStableName e
  if elem sn env
    then return env
    else analyzeExpr (sn : env) e0

-- Language, with one constructor

class Typed a where

instance Typed Int

data Expr a = Op (Expr a)

expr0 :: Expr a
expr0 = Op expr0

expr1 :: Typed a => Expr a
expr1 = Op expr1

expr2 :: Typed a => Expr a
expr2 = x
  where x = Op x

-- Tests

-- Returns 1
test0 :: IO ()
test0 = test (expr0 :: Expr Int)

-- Doesn't terminate!
test1 :: IO ()
test1 = test (expr1 :: Expr Int)

-- Returns 1
test2 :: IO ()
test2 = test (expr2 :: Expr Int)

test :: Expr a -> IO ()
test e = analyze e >>= putStrLn . show . length

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