IO in the middle
Serge D. Mechveliani
mechvel at
Thu Nov 17 14:19:50 CET 2011
is it possible to arrange a connected output and input (with something
like a socket) "in a middle" of the Haskell function?
Consider the example of sorting an integer list:
sortInt :: [Int] -> [Int]
sortInt js =
let callString = "sortForeign( " ++ (show js) ++ ")"
? = outputToSocket callStr socket? -- strict order?
resStr = inputFromSocket socket? :: String --
(res, _) = reads str' :: ([Int], String)
in res
It forms the call string for a foreign function, passes it to a Socket,
the foreign system parses callString, evaluates it, and returns the
string resStr for the result (inputFromSocket needs to happen later than
outputToSocket). Then, reads converts it back to [Int].
Forgetting of the pure-functionality philosophy, which items in the Haskell
library or in the GHC library may help? Is the C interface needed?
What if there is a file instead of socket?
(for this Foreign is able to apply readFile, to parse and evaluate the
I had an experience with readFile in Haskell, but this was only the
top function. Here the situation looks more complex.
Thank you in advance for your explanation.
mechvel at
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