memory slop (was: Using the GHC heap profiler)

Daniel Fischer at
Tue Mar 22 12:33:51 CET 2011

On Wednesday 23 March 2011 03:32:16, Tim Docker wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 9:59 AM, I wrote:
> > My question on the ghc heap profiler on stack overflow:
> > 
> >
> > output-of-the-ghc-heap-profiler
> > 
> > remains unanswered :-( Perhaps that's not the best forum. Is there
> > someone here prepared to explain how the memory usage in the heap
> > profiler relates to the  "Live Bytes" count shown in the garbage
> > collection statistics?
> I've made a little progress on this. I've simplified my program down to
> a simple executable that loads a bunch of data into an in-memory map,
> and then writes it out again. I've added calls to `seq` to ensure that
> laziness is not causing excessing memory consumption. When I run this on
> my sample data set, it takes ~7 cpu seconds, and uses ~120 MB of vm An
> equivalent python script, takes ~2 secs and ~19MB of vm :-(.
> The code is below. I'm mostly concerned with the memory usage rather
> than performance at this stage. What is interesting, is that when I turn
> on garbage collection statistics (+RTS -s), I see this:
>    10,089,324,996 bytes allocated in the heap
>       201,018,116 bytes copied during GC
>        12,153,592 bytes maximum residency (8 sample(s))
>        59,325,408 bytes maximum slop
>               114 MB total memory in use (1 MB lost due to
> fragmentation)
>    Generation 0: 19226 collections,     0 parallel,  1.59s, 
> 1.64selapsed Generation 1:     8 collections,     0 parallel,  0.04s, 
> 0.04selapsed
>    INIT  time    0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
>    MUT   time    5.84s  (  5.96s elapsed)
>    GC    time    1.63s  (  1.68s elapsed)
>    EXIT  time    0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
>    Total time    7.47s  (  7.64s elapsed)
>    %GC time      21.8%  (22.0% elapsed)
>    Alloc rate    1,726,702,840 bytes per MUT second
>    Productivity  78.2% of total user, 76.5% of total elapsed
> This seems strange. The maximum residency of 12MB sounds about correct
> for my data. But what's with the 59MB of "slop"? According to the ghc 
> | The "bytes maximum slop" tells you the most space that is ever wasted
> | due to the way GHC allocates memory in blocks. Slop is memory at the
> | end of a block that was wasted. There's no way to control this; we
> | just like to see how much memory is being lost this way.
> There's this page also:
> but it doesn't really make things clearer for me.
> Is the slop number above likely to be a significant contribution to net
> memory usage?

Yes, absolutely.

> Are there any obvious reasons why the code below could be
> generating so much?

I suspect packing a lot of presumably relatively short ByteStrings would 
generate (the lion's share of) the slop. I'm not familiar with the 
internals, though, so I don't know where GHC would put a 
newPinnedByteArray# (which is where your ByteString contents is), what 
alignement requirements those have.

> The data file in question has 61k lines, and is <6MB
> in total.
> Thanks,
> Tim
> -------- Map2.hs --------------------------------------------
> module Main where
> import qualified Data.Map as Map
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
> import System.Environment
> import System.IO
> type MyMap = Map.Map BS.ByteString BS.ByteString
> foldLines :: (a -> String -> a) -> a -> Handle -> IO a
> foldLines f a h = do
>      eof <- hIsEOF h
>      if eof
>        then (return a)
>        else do
>           l <- hGetLine h
>           let a' = f a l
>           a' `seq` foldLines f a' h
> undumpFile :: FilePath -> IO MyMap
> undumpFile path = do
>      h <- openFile path ReadMode
>      m <- foldLines addv Map.empty h
>      hClose h
>      return m
>    where
>      addv m "" = m
>      addv m s = let (k,v) = readKV s
>                 in k `seq` v `seq` Map.insert k v m
>      readKV s = let (ks,vs) = read s in (BS.pack ks, BS.pack vs)

It might be better to read the file in one go and construct the map in pure 
code (foldl' addv Map.empty $ lines filecontents).
Also, it will probably be better to do everything on ByteStrings.
The file format seems to be
on each line, with possible whitespace and empty lines.
If none of the keys or values may contain a '\"',

undumpFile path = do
    contents <- BS.readFile path
    return $! foldl' addv Map.empty (BS.lines contents)
    addv m s
      | BS.null s = m
      | otherwise = case BS.split '"' s of
                      (_ : k : _ : v : _) -> Map.insert k v m
                      _ -> error "malformed line"

should perform much better.
If a key or value may contain '"', it's more complicated, using a regex 
library to split might be a good option then.

> dump :: [(BS.ByteString,BS.ByteString)] -> IO ()
> dump vs = mapM_ putV vs
>    where
>      putV (k,v) = putStrLn (show (BS.unpack k, BS.unpack v))
> main :: IO ()
> main =  do
>      args <- getArgs
>      case args of
>        [path] -> do
>            v <- undumpFile path
>            dump (Map.toList v)
>            return ()

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