New codegen failing test-cases

Edward Z. Yang ezyang at MIT.EDU
Wed Jan 12 01:23:37 CET 2011

Hello Simon,

Have you gotten a chance to look at these two hunks? (see below)


Excerpts from Edward Z. Yang's message of Fri Dec 10 10:59:26 -0500 2010:
> Ok, I've got a patch that fixes this segfault.  In the process I looked
> at all patches to Cg* modules after Nov 2009 and looked for changes that
> weren't applied to the new codegen.  I skipped the LLVM patch, but picked
> up the rest of the blackhole changes.  There are, however, two hunks that
> I am not 100% sure how to translate.
>     hunk ./compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs 477
>     -         stmtC (CmmStore (CmmReg nodeReg) bh_info)
>     +         stmtsC [
>     +              CmmStore (cmmOffsetW (CmmReg nodeReg) fixedHdrSize)
>     +                       (CmmReg (CmmGlobal CurrentTSO)),
>     +              CmmCall (CmmPrim MO_WriteBarrier) [] [] CmmUnsafe CmmMayReturn,
>     +             CmmStore (CmmReg nodeReg) bh_info
>     +            ]
> (the new code uses emits and a different format)
>     hunk ./compiler/codeGen/CgStackery.lhs 20
>     -       pushUpdateFrame, emitPushUpdateFrame,
>     +       pushUpdateFrame, pushBHUpdateFrame, emitPushUpdateFrame,
> A new pushBHUpdateFrame function was added, but I'm not sure how to translate
> this because the new codegenerator only reads out the offset from
> the FCode monad and there's no label to speak of.
> Edward

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