Tracing idea

Tyson Whitehead twhitehead at
Sun Feb 20 13:14:56 CET 2011

On February 19, 2011 12:11:13 Edward Z. Yang wrote:
> I was thinking it might be useful if we had a per-thread circular buffer in
> memory for which we pushed a pointer to the info table we had just entered.
>  In the event of a crash, you could dump the contents of the buffer to see
> what code had been recently executed.  To reduce overhead, one might only
> need to record this information when we do a tail call, and not when the
> path can be reconstructed from the stack.  (Obviously, you'd need to
> compile in debug mode, and you'd probably want to also add an RTS flag).
> What do people think?
I believe a back trace on the actual call stack is generally considered not 
that useful in a lazy language as it corresponds to the evaluation sequence,  
That is, it is demand centric while written code is production centric

Here's a link that summarizes some thoughts on production centric back traces

Cheers!  -Tyson
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