my RULES don't fire

Sebastian Fischer fischer at
Wed Feb 9 16:23:15 CET 2011


I want to use the RULES pragma and cannot get my rules to fire. Here is a
simplified example of what I'm trying.

I define my own version of foldMap for lists:

    fold :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> [a] -> m
    fold f = foldr mappend mempty . map f
    -- alternative, trying to avoid interference with foldr/build fusion
    -- fold _ []     = mempty
    -- fold f (x:xs) = f x `mappend` fold f xs
    {-# NOINLINE fold #-}

I try using a NOINLINE pragma to make the firing of my rules (which involve
fold) more robust. But they don't fire with or without NOINLINE. Also the
uncommented version does not make a difference.

I also define a function that creates a singleton list:

    single :: a -> [a]
    single x = [x]
    {-# NOINLINE single #-}

Now I want to replace calls of `fold f . g single` (or eta-expanded versions
of this) by `g f` using the following rules:

  "monoid fusion pointfree"
    forall f (g :: forall m . Monoid m => (a -> m) -> b -> m) .
      fold f . g single = g f;

  "monoid fusion pointed, general"
    forall f (g :: forall m . Monoid m => (a -> m) -> b -> m) b .
      fold f (g single b) = g f b;

  "monoid fusion pointed, for lists"
    forall f (g :: forall m . Monoid m => (a -> m) -> [a] -> m) xs .
      fold f (g single xs) = g f xs;

The variations of type signatures (including no signatures at all) for the
pattern variables that I tried did not change anything for the better.

I wrote the third rule only because the second gives a warning that I don't
quite understand:

    Warning: Forall'd type variable b is not bound in RULE lhs
               fold @ m @ a $dMonoid f (g @ [a] $dMonoid (single @ a) b)

I try out the rules using the following function that takes the role of `g`
in the rules:

    idGen :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> [a] -> m
    idGen _ []     = mempty
    idGen f (x:xs) = f x `mappend` idGen f xs
    {-# NOINLINE idGen #-}

Again, I use NOINLINE just in case that would help the rules fire. Here is a
main function where the rules should fire:

    main :: IO ()
    main =
      do print ((fold id . idGen single) [[()]])
         print (fold id (idGen single [[()]]))

But they don't.

Why don't the rules fire, what can I change such that they do, and what to
get rid of the warning for the second rule (which I think is the one I
should use)?

Best regards,

Here is the output of -ddump-simple-stats (once with -fenable-rewrite-rules
only and once with -O):

# ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.0.1

# ghc -fenable-rewrite-rules -fforce-recomp -ddump-simpl-stats --make rules
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( rules.hs, rules.o )

==================== Grand total simplifier statistics ====================
Total ticks:     0

1 SimplifierDone

# ghc -O -fforce-recomp -ddump-simpl-stats --make rules
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( rules.hs, rules.o )

==================== FloatOut stats: ====================
0 Lets floated to top level; 0 Lets floated elsewhere; from 4 Lambda groups

==================== FloatOut stats: ====================
10 Lets floated to top level; 1 Lets floated elsewhere; from 5 Lambda groups

==================== Grand total simplifier statistics ====================
Total ticks:     144

34 PreInlineUnconditionally
    1 eta_Xp5
    1 g_amr
    1 eta_amx
    1 k_amJ
    1 z_amK
    1 f_amQ
    1 g_amR
    1 x_amS
    1 k_an9
    1 z_ana
    1 g_anb
    1 f_anf
    1 xs_ang
    1 eta_aoA
    2 $dShow_aKW
    2 x_aKX
    1 ys_aVd
    1 c_dmm
    1 n_dmn
    1 a_snX
    1 a_so1
    1 lvl_sod
    1 lvl_soe
    1 lvl_sof
    1 lvl_sog
    1 lvl_soh
    1 lvl_soi
    1 lvl_soj
    1 a_son
    1 a_sop
    1 a_sV0
    1 a_sV2
17 PostInlineUnconditionally
    1 k_amv
    1 f_amQ
    1 g_amR
    1 c_ani
    1 n_anj
    1 m_anI
    1 k_anJ
    2 $dShow_aoy
    2 x_aoz
    1 c_aVa
    1 f_aVb
    1 x_aVc
    1 a_snV
    1 a_snZ
    1 lvl_sVA
15 UnfoldingDone
    1 GHC.Base.foldr
    2 System.IO.print
    1 GHC.TopHandler.runMainIO
    2 GHC.Base..
    1 GHC.Base.mapFB
    1 GHC.Base.$fMonadIO_$c>>
    2 Main.main
    2 System.IO.print1
    2 GHC.Show.$fShow[]_$cshow
8 RuleFired
    1 Class op >>
    2 Class op show
    2 Class op showList
    1 fold/build
    1 foldr/nil
    1 map
8 LetFloatFromLet
62 BetaReduction
    1 eta_Xp5
    1 a_amq
    1 g_amr
    1 a_amt
    1 b_amu
    1 k_amv
    1 z_amw
    1 eta_amx
    1 b_amH
    1 a_amI
    1 k_amJ
    1 z_amK
    2 b_amN
    2 c_amO
    2 a_amP
    2 f_amQ
    2 g_amR
    1 x_amS
    1 a_an7
    1 b_an8
    1 k_an9
    1 z_ana
    1 g_anb
    1 a_and
    1 a1_ane
    1 f_anf
    1 xs_ang
    1 b_anh
    1 c_ani
    1 n_anj
    1 a_anG
    1 b_anH
    1 m_anI
    1 k_anJ
    2 a_aox
    2 $dShow_aoy
    2 x_aoz
    1 eta_aoA
    2 a_aKV
    2 $dShow_aKW
    2 x_aKX
    1 elt_aV7
    1 lst_aV8
    1 a_aV9
    1 c_aVa
    1 f_aVb
    1 x_aVc
    1 ys_aVd
    1 a_dml
    1 c_dmm
    1 n_dmn
13 SimplifierDone
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