GHC 7.0.1 rc1: Could not deduce (Typeable a) from the context (Typeable a, …)

Malte Sommerkorn malte.sommerkorn at
Wed Sep 29 14:50:24 EDT 2010

While compile failures were easy to fix for syb, X11 and xmonad, here's a more
mysterious encounter with xmonad-contrib. The module in question is

and the rest of this mail is the error:

    Could not deduce (Typeable a)
      from the context (Typeable a, Show ts, HList ts a, LayoutClass l a)
      arising from a use of `fromMessage'
    Possible fix:
      add (Typeable a) to the context of the instance declaration
    In a stmt of a pattern guard for
                 an equation for `handleMessage':
        Just (Toggle t) <- fromMessage m
    In an equation for `handleMessage':
        handleMessage mt m
          | Just (Toggle t) <- fromMessage m,
            i@(Just _) <- find (transformers mt) t
          = case currLayout mt of {
              EL l det
                -> do { l' <- fromMaybe l
                              handleMessage l (SomeMessage ReleaseResources);
                        .... }
                    cur = (i == currIndex mt) }
          | otherwise
          = case currLayout mt of {
              EL l det
                -> fmap (fmap (\ x -> mt {currLayout = EL x det}))
                 $ handleMessage l m }
    In the instance declaration for `LayoutClass (MultiToggle ts l) a'

    Could not deduce (HList ts a)
      from the context (Typeable a,
                        Show ts,
                        HList ts a,
                        LayoutClass l a,
                        Transformer t a)
      arising from a use of `find'
    Possible fix:
      add (HList ts a) to the context of
        the data constructor `Toggle'
        or the instance declaration
    In a stmt of a pattern guard for
                 an equation for `handleMessage':
        i@(Just _) <- find (transformers mt) t
    In a stmt of a pattern guard for
                 an equation for `handleMessage':
        Just (Toggle t) <- fromMessage m
    In an equation for `handleMessage':
        handleMessage mt m
          | Just (Toggle t) <- fromMessage m,
            i@(Just _) <- find (transformers mt) t
          = case currLayout mt of {
              EL l det
                -> do { l' <- fromMaybe l
                              handleMessage l (SomeMessage ReleaseResources);
                        .... }
                    cur = (i == currIndex mt) }
          | otherwise
          = case currLayout mt of {
              EL l det
                -> fmap (fmap (\ x -> mt {currLayout = EL x det}))
                 $ handleMessage l m }

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