No subject

Tue Nov 30 21:47:11 CET 2010

olve by switching is that darcs makes branching and merging very difficult =
for us. =C2=A0We have a few branches of HEAD that are very painful to keep =
merged with HEAD, and we would almost certainly have more branches if the o=
verhead were lower. =C2=A0In some sense the overhead is self-inflicted beca=
use we have the no-conflict policy in the mainline repository, but that is =
to avoid problems with darcs' merging algorithms (both performance and =
correctness). =C2=A0We are still using darcs v1 patches rather than v2, but=
 there are known problems with v2 which are preventing us from upgrading.<b=

The darcs team have been making great strides with performance, but conflic=
t handling remains a serious problem. =C2=A0The darcs roadmap doesn&#39;t s=
how this being fixed in the near future<br>
 =C2=A0<a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">http://w=</a><br>
Rebase support is coming, and it does work, though the workflow is a bit la=
Besides the branching/merging/conflict issue, switching to git would give u=
s plenty of side benefits, notably via access to a wealth of tool support. =
=C2=A0Making contribution easy is important to us too, and there are a lot =
of people using git.<br>

The cost of switching is quite high, which is one reason we decided to stay=
 with darcs last time. =C2=A0We have multiple repos that need to be convert=
ed, and for some of them, where the repo is being shared with other project=
s, we may have to mirror rather than convert in place. We&#39;re prepared t=
o put in the effort if the gains would be worthwhile though (offers of help=
 are more than welcome!).<br>

We&#39;re intrested in opinions from both active and potential GHC develope=
rs/contributors. =C2=A0Let us know what you think - would this make life ha=
rder or easier for you? =C2=A0Would it make you less likely or more likely =
to contribute?<br>

 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0Simon<br>
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