Equality constraint type mismatch

Isaac Dupree ml at isaac.cedarswampstudios.org
Sun Mar 7 15:01:50 EST 2010

Subtree is a type-indexed family of type synonyms, in its first 
type-argument.  It cannot unify with 't :: * -> * -> *', because t must 
be a concrete type-constructor (not indexed, and perhaps not a normal 
type-synonym either).

Delayed (t Pure)
t Lazy

lets us conclude
Delayed ~ t ; (t Pure) ~ Lazy
and then
(Delayed Pure) ~ Lazy
which I'm sure you can see is not true. This happens because 't' cannot 
be chosen to be something like 'Subtree', only something like 'Arrow'. 
(in fact there's a kind mismatch above, in Delayed ~ t, so the conflict 
happens even sooner)


Delayed (Subtree Pure)
Subtree Lazy

simplifies to (because we can resolve Subtree, because its argument is 
given concretely in each case)

Delayed Tree
Delayed Tree

which is obviously a tautology.


On 03/07/10 12:41, C Rodrigues wrote:
> I would like help understanding a type error I'm getting with GHC 6.10.4.
> GHC reports a type mismatch for the types in a satisfiable equality
> constraint.  The function "idLazy" below demonstrates the error.  I would
> appreciate if someone can explain what's going on.
> Thanks,
> -heatsink
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, EmptyDataDecls, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts #-}
> module Test where
> import Control.Monad
> -- These types are used as type indices
> data Pure
> data Lazy
> -- Delayed evaluation in the IO monad
> data Delayed t a = Delayed (IO (t a))
> {- This function definition gives me the error
> Test.hs:24:0:
>      Couldn't match expected type `Delayed (t Pure)'
>             against inferred type `t Lazy'
> But that's exactly what my constraint says!  What's wrong?
> -}
> idLazy :: forall (t :: * ->  * ->  *). t Lazy ~ Delayed (t Pure) =>
>            Delayed (t Pure) Lazy ->  Delayed (t Pure) Lazy
> idLazy x = x
> -- Below, I provide an instance of 't' that makes idLazy well-typed.
> -- A type-indexed data structure
> data Tree a = Leaf Int | Branch (Subtree a a) (Subtree a a)
> -- The first parameter to 'Subtree' determines what type the outermost
> -- constructor will have.  The second parameter determines what type
> -- the inner constructors will have.
> type family Subtree a :: * ->  *
> -- Two instances of the data structure
> type instance Subtree Pure = Tree
> type instance Subtree Lazy = Delayed Tree
> {- If I use this type signature, there is no error
> idLazy :: Subtree Lazy ~ Delayed (Subtree Pure) =>
>            Delayed (Subtree Pure) Lazy ->  Delayed (Subtree Pure) Lazy
> -}
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