Alternative (per-project) GHC package database?

Dimitry Golubovsky golubovsky at
Tue Jun 29 11:59:56 EDT 2010


Marc Weber wrote:

> If you want to give hack-nix a try you can get what you're looking for
> by running these two commands:

> hack-nix --build-env
> . ./default-env

> However you have to install Nix once.

I thought I could stay within Cabal without adding Nix, however Nix
was on my mind.

My initial thought is: for bootstrapping, I could dump package
descriptions from the global database for few basic packages (rts,
ghc-prim, base, etc.) and run them through ghc-pkg register with
GHC_PACKAGE_PATH set to cover only per-project package conf directory.

Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web

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