hsc2hs on Mac OS 10.6 unreliable?

Christian Maeder Christian.Maeder at dfki.de
Wed Jun 9 04:30:45 EDT 2010

Chris Kuklewicz schrieb:
> hsc2hs: On OS 10.6 ghc is calling hsc2hs without any special -arch
> option, and hsc2hs is calculating offsets in x86_64 mode.  This is
> breaking the interface between ghc and c-structures for various
> libraries.  In particular I ran into this with gtk2hs.
> It may suffice to get '--cc-flag=-m32 --ld-flag=-m32' to hsc2hs as a
> work around.  While ticket #2965 is not yet fixed it would be better if
> hsc2hs understood the default arch on OS X 10.6 is not compatible with ghc.

Sorry, I'm only on a 32bit Mac, but my (installed) hsc2hs (for
ghc- file contains:

HSC2HS_EXTRA="--cflag=-m32 --lflag=-m32 -I<...>

Is this not sufficient for 64bit Macs, too?

Cheers Christian

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