ANNOUNCE: GHC 6.12.3 Release Candidate 1

Paul Jarc prj at
Thu Jun 3 21:25:16 EDT 2010

Ian Lynagh wrote:
> We are pleased to announce the first release candidate for GHC 6.12.3:

There's a small build problem, also present in earlier 6.12 versions.
The gzip program uses the $GZIP environment variable, which I have set
in my environment.  This conflicts with the GZIP Makefile variable
used in ghc.  With GZIP=--best in my environment, the build ends with:

"rm" -f -r  libffi/build
cat ghc-tarballs/libffi/libffi*.tar.gz | gzip -d | { cd libffi && /command/tar -xf - ; }
gzip: gzip.gz: No such file or directory
/command/tar: This does not look like a tar archive
/command/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
make[1]: *** [libffi/stamp.ffi.configure-shared] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

Renaming the Makefile variable from GZIP to GZIP_CMD avoids this
problem.  The two instances I found were mk/ and
libffi/  There may be other instances I haven't found, but
changing those two is enough to get me past that error.


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