SPECIALIZE function for type defined elsewhere
Sebastian Fischer
sebf at informatik.uni-kiel.de
Wed Jul 28 08:57:07 EDT 2010
Dear GHC experts,
say I have
module A where
class C a where ...
f :: C a => String -> a
module B where
import A
data T = ...
instance C T where ...
g :: String -> SomeOtherType
g s = doSomethingWith (f s)
Is it possible to SPECIALIZE `f` for the type `T`?
If I put the pragma
{-# SPECIALIZE f :: String -> T #-}
in module A, GHC complains that `T` is not in scope. If I put it in
module B GHC complains that there is no accompanying binding for `f`.
In my case, I don't want to put everything in a single module because
I cannot know what other B-like modules people will implement. Are
they bound to use `f` unspecialized for their types? Why?
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