hot-refreshing a package (same version number, new content)

Albert Y. C. Lai trebla at
Thu Jul 15 18:41:09 EDT 2010

Suppose I start ghci, use a value from a package, causing it to be 
linked, then I modify the package and reinstall, same version number, 
without quitting my ghci session. Is there a way to tell the ghci 
session to refresh and use the modified package?

Suppose I do something similar with the GHC API (6.12.3, linux, x86, 32 
bit). The attachment g.hs is my program to get a value from the package 
(called watermelon-0.1), print it, wait for me to press return, (at this 
point I modify the source code of the package, rebuild, reinstall), then 
loop back to get a value from the package again... how should I refresh 
so I get the new value?

Or I am supposed to forget this and just bump the version number of the 

I attach my program g.hs and the package tarball for watermelon-0.1.
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Name: watermelon-0.1.tar.gz
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