GADT related bug in GHC type checker
George Giorgidze
giorgidze at
Tue Jul 13 18:11:00 EDT 2010
I have encountered a bug in GHC type checker. I have stripped down my code to
small manageable example that illustrates the bug:
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}
module StrangeGADT where
data Q a where
ToQ :: (QA a) => a -> Q a
Sum :: (QA a, Num a) => Q [a] -> Q a
class QA a where
toQ :: a -> Q a
fromQ :: Q a -> a
instance QA Int where
toQ = ToQ
fromQ q = case q of
ToQ a -> a
Sum as -> sum (fromQ as)
instance QA a => QA [a] where
toQ = ToQ
fromQ q = case q of
ToQ a -> a
-- Sum _ -> ([] + 13)
The above program typechecks but GHC wrongly warns that last pattern match is
not exhaustive.
Furthermore, if I uncomment the last line of the code it typechecks (without
warnings) and does not reject ([] + 13) as type incorrect expression.
It would be very much appreciated if someone could suggest how to circumvent
the problem.
Is there a version of GHC that behaves correctly in this case?
Is this yet another instance of GADT related bugs already reported in GHC
trac? or it is unrelated and I better report it as a separate ticket.
Cheers, George
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