Avoiding O(n^2) instances when using associated data types to
unpack values into constructors
Johan Tibell
johan.tibell at gmail.com
Tue Jul 6 04:36:18 EDT 2010
I'm trying to create a data type for maps where both keys and values are
unpacked into the data type constructors (see code at the end of this
email). I achieve this using an associated data type of two arguments (`Map`
in the code below). The problem I have is that this definition requires
O(n^2) instances. I use a CPP macro to make it easier to create these
instances but it doesn't address the real problem that the number of
instances grows quadratically.
Is there a better way to have GHC unpack the keys and values into the data
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies #-}
-- | This module defines a type for maps of unboxed keys and values.
module Data.AdaptMap (Unbox()) where
-- | The size of the map.
type Size = Int
-- | A map of unboxed keys and values.
class Unbox k a where
data Map k a :: *
-- Constructors/destructors used to implement functions on the map
-- in a generic manner.
tipCon :: Map k a
binCon :: Size -> k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a -> Map k a
unMap :: Map k a -> b -> (Size -> k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a -> b) ->
#define primMap(map,key,val,tipcon,bincon) \
instance Unbox key val where { \
data Map key val = tipcon \
| bincon {-# UNPACK #-} !Size \
{-# UNPACK #-} !key \
{-# UNPACK #-} !val \
!(Map key val) \
!(Map key val) \
; tipCon = tipcon \
; {-# INLINE tipCon #-} \
; binCon = bincon \
; {-# INLINE binCon #-} \
; unMap t tk bk = case t of { \
tipcon -> tk \
; bincon sz k v l r -> bk sz k v l r } \
; {-# INLINE unMap #-} \
-- Example instance with keys and values of type Int.
-- Construction
empty :: Unbox k a => Map k a
empty = tipCon
singleton :: Unbox k a => k -> a -> Map k a
singleton k x = binCon 1 k x tipCon tipCon
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