[Haskell-cafe] Space leak with unsafePerformIO

Simon Marlow marlowsd at gmail.com
Thu Jul 1 09:25:01 EDT 2010

On 30/06/2010 18:13, Yitzchak Gale wrote:
> Henning Thielemann wrote on Haskell Cafe:
>>> Attached is a program with a space leak...
>>> I have coded a simple 'map' function, once using unsafePerformIO and
>>> once without. UnsafePerformIO has a space leak in some circumstances.
>>> In the main program I demonstrate cases with and without space leak.
>>> Without space leak the program writes a file to the disk until it
>>> is full.
> Bertram Felgenhauer wrote:
>> The program relies on the GC doing short-cut evaluation of record
>> selectors to avoid a space leak...
>> Use of suffix: Due to the call of  Main.go1  this is *not* a record
>> selector. It is compiled to an actual case expression, which to the
>> garbage collector looks just like an ordinary thunk. A reference to
>> Main.ds is kept around until the suffix is about to be processed
>> and a memory leak ensues.
>> The good news is that the problem is completely unrelated to
>> unsafePerformIO (the presence of unsafePerformIO makes optimisations
>> more difficult, but any pure function of sufficient complexity would
>> have the same effect).
> Is there already a GHC Trac bug for this?

This is it:


> Link to Bertram's original email, with detailed analysis of the
> GHC Core:
> http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2010-June/079479.html

Added to the ticket, thanks.


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