Question regarding the GHC users manual
Max Bolingbroke
batterseapower at
Mon Jan 25 14:34:14 EST 2010
Hi Tyson,
I don't think this is a bug.
> type family F a b :: * -> * -- F's arity is 2,
> -- although its overall kind is * -> * -> * -> *
> F Char [Int] -- OK! Kind: * -> *
Char :: *
[Int] :: *
So we can "fill" in the first two * in the kind * -> * -> * -> * to
get * -> *, as reported.
> F Char [Int] Bool -- OK! Kind: *
Char :: *
[Int] :: *
Bool :: *
As before, except that we can now fill in another * to get *.
> F IO Bool -- WRONG: kind mismatch in the first argument
IO :: * -> *
Bool :: *
Uh-oh! F has kind:
* -> (* -> (* -> *))
And we are trying to do the application:
But IO :: * -> * /= * (the kind on the left of the arrow)! So we get a
kind error.
> F Bool -- WRONG: unsaturated application
This is disallowed by the rules of type families. If unsaturated
applications were allowed it would be well-kinded though, since Bool
:: *.
> and I'm wondering about the overall kind. Shouldn't that be * -> * -> *, or
> am I not understanding something?
I'm not sure what you think has gone wrong. * -> * -> * is the kind of
something with two type arguments, but F clearly has 3 (two indexed
ones, one parametric one).
The inference rule you need to think of is something like:
t1 :: k1 -> k2
t2 :: k1
t1 t2 :: k2
With axioms like (glossing over issues of saturation):
Bool :: *
IO :: * -> *
F :: * -> * -> * -> *
GHC's kind system is actually even more complicated than this due to
subkinding, but you usually don't have to worry about that.
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