DPH and CUDA status

Jeff Heard jeff at renci.org
Wed Feb 3 14:06:02 EST 2010

You're quite correct.  I should say supplant for normal uses.  The
OpenCL drivers are built on top of CUDA, and they intend CUDA to
continue to be available, but OpenCL is more portable and thus
something that we should probably target at some point.

On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 1:54 PM, Brad Larsen <brad.larsen at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 12:34 PM, Jeff Heard <jeff at renci.org> wrote:
>> [...]  One thing though, is that CUDA is being
>> supplanted by OpenCL in the next few years, and OpenCL can handle data
>> parallelism on multicore CPUs as well as GPUs with the same code.
>> It's a little more flexible overall than CUDA, and will be portable
>> across ATI/nVidia/Intell/AMD/Sony Cell in the end, and is well
>> supported on Linux, Mac, and Windows systems.
> [...]
> I have been told by NVIDIA folks that CUDA is not going to disappear.
> Its C++ API (as opposed to its ``driver interface'') is quite a bit
> higher level than OpenCL, suitable for (painful) application
> development, whereas OpenCL seems more targeted for compiler and
> framework writers.
> Sincerely,
> Brad

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