FFI, signals and exceptions

Simon Marlow marlowsd at gmail.com
Thu Aug 26 04:08:06 EDT 2010

On 26/08/2010 08:10, Edward Z. Yang wrote:
> Here is a possible implementation:
>      Task *task = NULL;
>      blockedThrowTo(cap,target,msg);
>      if (target->bound) {
>          // maybe not supposed to kill bound threads, but it
>          // seems to work ok (as long as they don't want to try
>          // to recover!)
>          task = target->bound->task;
>      } else {
>          // walk all_tasks to find the correct worker thread
>          for (task = all_tasks; task != NULL; task = task->all_link) {
>              if (task->incall->suspended_tso == target) {
>                  break;
>              }
>          }
>      }
>      if (task != NULL) {
>          pthread_cancel(task->id);
>          // cargo cult cargo cult...
>          task->cap = NULL;
>          task->stopped = rtsTrue;
>      }

You don't want to do this for a bound thread (when target->bound != 
NULL), because the OS thread will have interesting things on its C stack 
and pthread_cancel discards the entire stack.  A worker thread on the 
other hand has an uninteresting stack and we can easily make another one.

> This is quite good at causing the C computation to terminate,
> but not so good at letting the Task that requested the FFI call
> that it can wake up now.  In particular, consider the following
> code (using the interruptible function defined earlier):
>      foreign import ccall "foo.h" foo :: CInt ->  IO ()
>      fooHs n = do
>          putStrLn $ "Arf " ++ show n
>          threadDelay 1000000
>          fooHs n
>      main = main' 2
>      main' 0 = putStrLn "Quitting"
>      main' n = do
>          tid<- newEmptyMVar
>          interruptible () $ do
>              putMVar tid =<<  myThreadId
>              (r :: Either E.AsyncException ())<- E.try $ foo n
>              putStrLn "Thread was able to catch exception"
>          print =<<  readMVar tid
>          print =<<  threadStatus =<<  readMVar tid
>          putStrLn "----"
>          main' (pred n)
> with foo.h/foo.c something like:
>      void foo(int d) {
>          while (1) {
>              printf("Arf %d\n", d);
>              sleep(1);
>          }
>      }
> Without the RTS patch, the first foo(2) loop continues even after
> interrupting (and resuming the primary execution of the program.
> With the RTS patch, the first foo(2) loop terminates upon the
> signal, but the thread 'tid' continues to be 'BlockedOnOther',
> and "Thread was able to catch exception" is never printed.
> If we use fooHs instead of foo, we see the expected behavior where
> the loop is terminated, the exception caught, and the message
> printed (eventually).
> Tomorrow, I plan on looking more closely at how we might resume
> the thread corresponding to 'tid'; however, it does seem like
> something of a dangerous proposition given that the worker thread
> was unceremoniously terminated, so none of the thunks actually got
> evaluated.

So you don't want to do blockedThrowTo, instead call raiseAsync to raise 
the exception, and that should put the TSO back on the the run queue.


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